impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (6/24) – New X Division Champion, Full Metal Mayhem, Jeff Jarrett Returns!

Eric Young vs Chris Melendez 

Eric hits Sarge in the corner and slams him down, then he applies a chinlock and tries to take Sarge’s prosthetic leg off. Sarge shoves him back and hits him a few times, but Eric knocks him back and hits a piledriver for the win. 

Winner – Eric Young 

We get back from a break to see the BDC and The Rising brawling in the arena, and they fight back and forth into the ring. Hernandez makes his return and takes out The Rising; he hits Drew with a Border Toss and MVP introduces Drew to ‘what he asked for.’  

Matt Hardy vs Kurt Angle 

Matt and Kurt trade strikes before Matt hits a side Russian legsweep, then Kurt hits a few German suplexes. He hits an Angle Slam before going back to more suplexes, but Matt comes back with a Side Effect for two. Matt hits a Twist of Fate for two, then he picks Kurt up for a second but Kurt rolls through and makes him tap to the Ankle Lock.

Winner – Kurt Angle 

EC3 and Tyrus run out and attack Kurt, but Matt tries to make the save. Tyrus takes Matt out with a heart punch, then Kurt hits Tyrus with an Angle Slam. Ethan is cornered and Kurt takes him down, then makes him tap before raising his arms. 

Overall a very good show in-ring, and the Jarrett return was just great to see. I’m not sure how the show ‘changed TNA’s outlook’ by what was said, but Jarrett did say there will be more answers. At the very least, TNA has a lot of hype, and all of the returns were pretty cool. I hope Matt Morgan’s appearance is for a little while instead of just this set of tapings. The highlight of tonight was probably the spots in Full Metal Mayhem, and more obviously Jarrett’s speech. 

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