WWE RAW Results (2/16) – Ambrose Forces Barrett’s Hand, Dust Brothers Unravel, Flair Returns, Bryan & Reigns Collide!

Dolph Ziggler vs Seth Rollins 

Both men cut a promo on each other before Rollins attacks, then we get back from a break to see Rollins throw Dolph outside. The ref throws Merucry and Noble out of the match before they can interfere, then Rollins whips Dolph into the barricade and tells J&J he has it from here. Rollins goes for a powerbomb but Dolph counters with a rollup attempt, then he hits a DDT for two before attacking again. Both men counter each other’s moves several times before Dolph kicks him in the face and hits a Zig Zag, but Merucry and Noble rush back out and break up the pin. Ryback and Erick Rowan run out to make the save, and clear the ring before celebrating.

Winner (by disqualification) – Dolph Ziggler  

Triple H comes out and says he heard people say he is afraid of Sting, but they are all wrong and it takes more than some tricks to beat him. He says Sting, the Franchise of WCW, will stand face-to-face with The Game at Fast Lane, then Ric Flair cuts him off and walks to the ring. Flair says HHH can’t get mad at him because there in Orlando, where HHH inducted him into the Hall of Fame, and he came to say nothing but nice things. HHH says he’s here to praise Sting, but he already knows how good he is, but Flair says he loves him. Flair says he shouldn’t take Sting lightly, and HHH says all due respect, he doesn’t need the history lesson because he knows it already. HHH says he would have run Sting out of WWE if he ever showed up here, because Sting’s legacy was built on Flair reputation, so he would have kicked ass on principle.

HHH says after all of this, now Sting wants to make it personal with him, because he is WWE and Sting wants to take it from him, so Flair tells him to calm down. Flair says HHH is the greatest in the world when he is wrestling, but his worst enemy is time off, just like when Flair never thought Daniel Bryan would beat him, and he did. Flair says all he is telling him is to not let Sting sneak up on him, and HHH says he appreciates it, but he knows what he’s doing. HHH says he’s no Ric Flair, but when it comes to ass kicking Flair is no HHH, and Flair says that’s fair. He says to do him a favor and not be on his back at Fast Lane like last week on Monday, then HHH gets pissed and shoves him. HHH says next to his wife and kids, nothing is as important as WWE to him, and he will kick Sting’s ass and never show his face again.

BP: Great segment here. I’m loving the build here with minimal use of Sting on TV. It’s only going to get that much better once he is used more; both men can cut great promos and tell a great story in the ring.