Steve Austin Negative on Wrestling a Match at WrestleMania 32, Reported WWE Departmental Miscommunication, Booker T News

Source: The Wrestling Observer

steve austinSteve Austin Negative on Wrestling a Match at WrestleMania 32

During the last episode of “The Steve Austin Show,” when the idea came up of Austin returning to wrestle a match in Dallas at WrestleMania 32, Austin was said to be negative on the idea.

Reported WWE Departmental Miscommunication

In what’s being described as the latest instance of miscommunication between WWE departments, the January 29th airing of Smackdown in Canada had promotional issues.

During the show, WWE was pushing the Daniel Bryan vs. Kane “Casket Match” as the end of the Bryan-Kane feud, advertising it as their final match against each other.

Meanwhile, commercials during the same show were advertising Bryan vs. Kane matches at upcoming non-televised live events, and even included localized promos from Kane to promote the matches.

Booker T

WWE Hall Of Famer Booker T’s second autobiography titled “My Rise to Wrestling Royalty,” a 449-page book, is scheduled to be released in a few weeks.