WWE Smackdown Results (8/1) – Swagger vs Cesaro, Ziggler vs Alberto, Rowan vs Jericho!

 R-Truth vs Bo Dallas 

Bo tries to avoid Truth but Truth pulls him outside and hits him a few times, then Bo tries to steal a rollup when he gets back in. Truth gets a backslide for two before Bo slams him in the corner, then he kicks Truth in the head and does it repeatedly, getting disqualified. Bo continues to beat up Truth and knees him a few times, then the ref pulls him back and Bo says he BO-lieves that Truth got what is coming to him.

Winner (by disqualification) – R-Truth

Rosa Mendes vs AJ Lee

Rosa taunts AJ and yells at her, but AJ just puts her in the Black Widow and makes her tap out. AJ celebrates on the stage but Paige runs in and tackles her off the stage. AJ goes flying onto the floor and Paige says AJ is fine, and they are still best friends, then skips away while trainers help AJ up.

Winner – AJ Lee

Dean Ambrose vs Kane & Seth Rollins 

Kane hits Ambrose in the corner and kicks him in the face, then Rollins tags in and works on Ambrose’s arm before Kane throws him into the ringpost. Rollins taunts Ambrose as Kane slams his arm into the post, then he charges the corner but Ambrose kicks him in the face and hits the ropes. Kane counters with a sidewalk slam, then Rollins gets back in and sets up a powerbomb but Ambrose backdrops him and follows with a clothesline. He sends Rollins to the floor and throws Kane out with him, then Ambrose hits a suicide dive and rolls Rollins back in. Kane runs at him but Ambrose drop toe holds him into the steps, then Ambrose charges Rollins in the ring and repeatedly punches him in the corner. Ambrose stomps him several times and hiptosses Rollins, then he chokes him on the ropes but Kane pulls him outside and whips him into the timekeeper’s area. Kane waits for Ambrose to come back in and turns to Rollins, and Ambrose surprises them with a few chair shots before Kane knocks him down. Kane calls for a chokeslam but Ambrose counters, then he kicks him and hits a DDT on the chair as Rollins runs away.

Result – No Contest