Press Release: TNA Confirms Bound For Glory PPV Location, Plus Promo Poster Revealed & Team 3D HOF News has issued the following, regarding this year's TNA Bound for Glory PPV:

Today, just hours before TNA's massive IMPACT tapings begin in New York City, TNA President Dixie Carter and legendary Japanese icon the Great Muta held a press conference at the Manhattan Center to announce that, for the first time, the annual Bound For Glory pay-per-view will take place in Tokyo, Japan at Korakeun Hall!

This year will mark the 10th Anniversary of the annual Bound For Glory event and will certainly be the biggest and most exciting year yet!

Additionally, it was revealed today that Team 3D will be inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame in Tokyo as well! The most decorated Tag Team in history, Team 3D have done many tours of Japan and held the country's most prestigious tag team gold! Bound For Glory will be held on October 12, 2014 and more details will be available soon!

bound for glory ppv