ROH “Border Wars” iPPV Results – May 12, 2012

Ring Of Honor

ROH “Border Wars” (Aired Live on Internet pay-per-view)

Report by Chris Shore and

When the timer reached zero, the page kicked me out and the entire site went down. According to Twitter, I was not the only one. At seven minutes after start, I was finally able to get the home page up for a moment, but logging in proved impossible.

UPDATE (6:46): Still unable to login. Site seems to be very unstable. A handful of people are able to get in, but the vast majority (or at least the majority on Twitter) are not.

UPDATE (6:52): Was finally able to log in. Clickd on PPV link and was booted. Now unable to log in again.

1. Eddie Edwards vs. Rhino.

Eddie Edwards defeated Rhino. Result garnered from Twitter.

My feed suddenly started at the beginning of the second match. It seems from Twitter that many are still unable to get in. Still no comment from ROH…

2. The All Night Express and TJ Perkins vs. The Young Bucks and Mike Mondo.Rhett Titus was the babyface in trouble. Kenny King tagged in and showed off. Perkins got the blind tagged and the match descended into the classic ROH no sell superkick series. Mondo hit a reverse ranna off the top and one of the Jacksons followed with a top rope splash. King made the save. After a wild dive series, ANX hit a Doomsday Device type move, and Perkins followed with a 450 splash on Nick Jackson (I think) for the win..


The All Night Express and TJ Perkins defeated The Young Bucks and Mike Mondo at 12:57.

3. Jay Lethal vs. Tomasso Ciampa (w/The Embassy Ltd). Ciampa is now sporting a short, Santa Claus looking beard. Lethal attacked during intros. The fight spilled to the floor with no official start. Ciampa tried for the running knee against the signs, but Lethal moved. Ciampa setup a seating sign, but Lethal hit a singshot move onto it instead. Lethal crawled in the ring for a dive. RD Evans stopped him. Lethal kicked Evans and tried again, but Ciampa hit a knee. They rolled in the ring and rung the bell four minutes and 20 seconds after they started brawling. Ciampa covered for two.

Ciampa hit the Lethal Combination on Lethal. He hit his exposed knees in the corner and Lethal no sold them to hit an Alabama Slam into the buckle. Lethal tried for the Lethal Injection, but Ciampa moved and hit a clothesline. The Embassy ran in several times and got knocked out. Lethal finally hit the Lethal Injection and covered. RD Evans dragged Todd Sinclair from the ring to stop the count. Lethal kind of hit a drop kick through the ropes and Evans oversold it to hit the rails. Lethal hit the top rope elbow for two. Ciampa flipped Lethal off and Lethal hit the first half of the Lethal Combination 10 times before hitting the second half for the win.

Post-match, the Embassy argued. Ciampa acted very crazy and got in Lethal’s face. He never hit him, but he acted like he was having a psychotic break before storming to the back…

Jay Lethal defeated Tomasso Ciampa at 10:45.

4. “The Prodigy” Mike Bennett (w/Brutal Bob) vs. Lance Storm. Toronto native, and former WWE referee, Jimmy Korderas officiated the match. Bennett wore some red and white striped tights. Storm started out in control and showed his technical skills. Bennett went to the floor and Storm followed. Bennett ran him into the barricade to take control. Bennett worked Storm on the floor and rolled him back in the ring. Bennett hit a dragon screw leg whip and hooked in the single leg crab.

Storm reversed it and the place went nuts. Bob helped Bennett make the rope. Korderas argued with him, allowing Bennett to get a chair. Storm kicked him and took the chair. He hit Bennett across the back and followed with a superkick for the win. Post-match, Storm cut a promo and put over Canada and thanked the fans…

Lance Storm vs. Mike Bennett at 12:32.


5. Adam Cole vs. “Unbreakable” Michael Elgin (w/Truth Martini). Elgin tried power early, but Cole’s speed caused Elgin to roll to the floor. Cole went for a dive, but Elgin caught him and hit a power slam onto the ramp. He rolled Cole in the ring for two. Cole sliped out of a lift and tried a German suplex. Elgin powered out and hit an Alabama Slam for two.

Cole reversed a lift into a swinging DDT to take control. Cole hit a superkick tot he back of the head. He tried for a jumping kick, but Elgin ducked and killed Cole with a clothesline. Cole rolled tot he floor. Elgin tried to get him through the rope, but Cole hit an enziguri kick. Cole went to the top, but Elgin knocked him down to the apron and climbed to the second rope. Elgin dead lifted Cole from the apron and twisted into a falcon arrow for two. Elgin hit a buckle bomb, and then my feed skipped for the finish, but Elgin won.

Post-match, Truth got in the ring and put over Elgin and his win and then told him to head to the back and take a shower. He said Elgin’s night was done, but he was staying out because Roderick Strong was next. Elgin looked upset that Truth was bashing Cole. Truth turned around and Cole superkicked Truth to the floor. Elgin picked Truth up, shrugged his shoulders at Cole, and walked out…

Michael Elgin defeated Adam Cole at 13:55.

6. Fit Finlay vs. Roderick Strong for the ROH Television Championship. It was announced that there was no time limit because Roddy demanded it. Why? Isn’t he the heel? The first three minutes was a lot of squaring off and rope breaks. Finlay grabbed a leg lock and worked it old school style for another three minutes. They rolled to the floor and traded chops and strikes. Finlay hit a thumb to the eyes, but Strong whipped Finaly to the rail and Finaly had a nasty bruise/abrasion on his back.

Later in the match, Strong hooked on the Strong Hold for just a second, but Finlay flipped out and punched Strong in the face. Finaly hit the Finlay roll, a spear in the corner, and a Samoan drop for two. Strong fought back and hit a double knee gut buster for two. He followed with the sick kick for the win. Post-match, Finaly played to the crowd as they cheered…

Roderick Strong retained the TV Title at 17:17.