WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (10/11/21)

Backstage, Banks says Belair better just follow her lead tonight.

Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Theory

Hardy is all over Theory. Theory lands a rolling dropkick. The 24/7 field runs down to ringside and ends up in the ring. In the confusion, Hardy hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy misses the Swanton. Theory rolls ups Hardy with a handful of tights for the win.

Winner- Austin Theory

Backstage, Belair says unlike Flair she doesn’t have to win. Belair is going to win the SmackDown Women’s Championship. It’s only going to take her 30 seconds to make Lynch “Becky No-Belts.”

Backstage, Woods and Kingston refuse to answer who will win if they have to face each other next week.

King of the Ring Round One: Jinder Mahal w/Veer and Shanky vs. Kofi Kingston w/Xavier Woods

After a bit of back and forth, Kingston tries the SOS. Both Mahal and Kingston land awkwardly. Kingston surprises Mahal with a cross body off the top. Mahal kicks out. Mahal lands a fireman’s gutbuster for a near fall. Kingston fires up and lands the boom drop.  Kingston calls for Trouble in Paradise. Shanky tries to get involved but Woods takes him out. In the confusion, Kingston leaps off the top into the Khalas. Mahal pins Kingston.

Winner- Jinder Mahal

Backstage, Lynch says she loves to talk but doesn’t have much to say at this point. Lynch says she is walking into Crown Jewel the same way she entered: as the SmackDown Woman’s Champion.

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