luke hawx

Luke Hawx Relates To The Struggles Of Heels’ Jack Spade, Praises The Rock’s Impressive Work Ethic

Luke Hawx knows first-hand how busy the life of a wrestling promoter can be.

Luke Hawx recently spoke with WrestleZone Managing Editor Bill Pritchard ahead of episode 7 of the new STARZ series Heels. Hawx works on the show as a wrestling coordinator, but he’ll also appear this week as a character named “The Hole,” one of the performers for a storyline promotion in the show. Hawx talked about his involvement both on-screen and behind the scenes and explained how the role of Jack Spade hits close to home personally. 

“I’m really thankful and really excited. It’s my first reoccurring acting role in a television series, obviously, I’ve been in several movies and television shows, but this is my first reoccurring role where I’m in throughout the series. My character is named The Hole, he comes in in episode seven. Heels is a great show. We’re giving away the first three episodes for free on the Heels YouTube, you can head over to any of the Heels social media, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and find the links to watch the first three episodes for free,” Hawx noted. 

Hawx said he watched the first two episodes prior to the series premiere, but he’s been watching the subsequent episodes as they debut on STARZ each week. In addition to being a wrestler and working on Heels, Hawx also runs Wildkat Sports in Louisiana. He added that the best way to explain what the life of a wrestler is like is to pay attention to episode six in particular because he’s lived it himself.

“People often ask me how it is being a professional wrestler or how it is being in films and running my own stuff…my best answer would be, if you watch Heels, specifically pay attention to episode six. My life is episode six — Jack’s life and the way he struggles and how his family struggles and how his wife struggles. Me and my fiancée were watching it and she didn’t watch it early, she wanted to watch it when it came out. So, we were watching episode six and she started balling crying and she’s like ‘this is our life’ and she’s not a wrestling fan, she’s my fiancée and she’s around wrestling because of me,” Hawx explained, “but she doesn’t relate to it, she doesn’t watch it. She comes to our events and she works them, so she doesn’t watch what’s going on but she works them because of me. She’s like ‘this is our life’ and she really started breaking down crying because it talked to her.

“She [said] ‘you’re always gone and you’re always busy and you’re struggling to find time to spend with me or with the kids.’ Everybody thinks I have this glamorous, wild life just living on the road and traveling and living the Hollywood lifestyle and yeah, I get to do some really cool things,” he pointed out, “but I don’t have a personal life. I really don’t have a personal life, it’s hard to just schedule a dinner with my friends but that’s part of the territory.”

Hawx’s acting career has put him in films with some huge names in Hollywood, including sharing the screen with The Rock in Fate of the Furious. Hawx spoke about how busy The Rock is and praised him for his work ethic and everything he does in his career.

“Look at The Rock, I’m nowhere near his level but could you imagine how much he goes through? He had zero life [on set] and I’ve worked with him, I’ve been around everybody… I mean everybody. [Sylvester] Stallone, [Arnold] Schwarzenegger, I mean you name an actor and I’ve been around or worked with them directly. When I worked with The Rock — and I’ve known him for years, we’re not great friends, but we know each other and he’s cool and he’s always been great to me — when I worked with him on ‘Fast And Furious 8’ I’ve never seen somebody so damn busy,” Hawx stated. 

“He didn’t have time to breathe, every time he stopped a scene, he had ten people in his face, ‘sign this, we need you to do this, we need you to do that,’ it was nonstop everything, every day and he’s just doing it with a smile on his face and keeps rolling on. Jesus Christ, how does this guy just roll? Like, you have to be a special, special man because he would never let something get on his nerves, even when times were tough, he’d just smile and keep working and I’d be like ‘goddamn,’ that’s something, so my hats off to The Rock.”

Heels returns on Sunday, October 3 for its seventh episode, with the season finale set to premiere on October 10.

You can follow Luke Hawx on Twitter. Learn more about and support Wildkat Sports at this link, and watch our full interview at the top of this post.

Read More: Heels: Sneak Peek At Episode 7: ‘Big Bad Fish Man’