ROH Glory By Honor
Image Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

ROH Glory By Honor Night One Results (8/20/21)

Tonight, Ring of Honor returns to Philadelpha with the first night of its Glory By Honor event.

ROH Glory By Honor Night One Results 

August 20, 2021

Report by Colin Tessier for

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman welcome viewers and preview the show.

Silas Young vs. Rey Horus

Before the show, Young says this is the first “real” show with live fans back, and the company could have picked some great cities for this show. Instead, they took it back to ROH’s birthplace, Philadelphia. He calls it the worst wrestling city in the United States. Young vows to make quick, decisive work of Rey Horus tonight.

Once the match starts, Young and Horus square off and feel each other out. Horus takes Young down with a diving body-scissors, but “The Last Real Man” drops his opponent with a backbreaker. Young sends Horus to the outside and grounds him for a few minutes, but a hurricanrana on the floor gives him some breathing room. A dropkick gives Horus even more momentum, and he takes flight with a dive to the outside. Young fired back with a superplex, but Horus countered a powerbomb with a sunset flip for a two count. Young rakes Horus’ mask and hits Misery for the win.

Winner: Silas Young

Six-Man Mayhem for a spot in the rankings for the ROH World Championship: Demonic Flamita vs. Eli Isom vs. Danhausen vs. PJ Black vs. Mike Bennett vs. Dak Draper

Before the match begins, Dalton Castle walks through the crowd and enters the ring to offer Draper some encouragement. He then joins the commentary team, accompanied by The Boys all the while. Black and Flamita start the match and trade some fast-paced offense. Black takes Flamita down with a spinning DDT, and Bennett takes in. The veterans trade stiff chops and take each other down with a crossbody. Danhausen, Isom and Draper enter the ring at the same time, and Danhausen nicely asks Isom to let him square off with “The Mile High Magnum.” He does, briefly, before Bennett pulls Danhausen out and slams him into the barricade. Black and Bennett clothesline each other at ringside.

Flamita and Horus trade blows, and a nasty chop rocks “Infinite” Isom. He goes up to the top rope, seemingly to do a 450, but he flips off the fans and climbs back down. Isom knocks Flamita to the outside and clashes with Draper. Bennett enters the match, followed by Danhausen, and all four men exchange strikes. Danhausen goes for a double chokeslam, but he can’t do it. Draper blasts him with a kick and resumes his fight with Isom. Flamita and Black join the fray, but “Infinite” sends “The Darewolf” to the outside with a dropkick. Again the match is down to Isom and Draper, but Black floos Draper with a superkick. Flamita hits a Spanish fly on Black, but Isom gains the upper hand on Bennett. Draper takes control, but Black superplexes him onto a group of his opponents. Black accidentally kicks Draper below the belt, and while everyone is down, Danhausen stands tall.

He drops Black with a German suplex and gives Draper one of his own. Danhausen hits the Goodnight-hausen on Bennett, but Castle comes to ringside and distracts him. Flamita capitalizes and hits a modified facebuster for the win.

Winner: Demonic Flamita

Chelsea Green joins the broadcast team ahead of the next bout.

The Allure (Angelina Love & Mandy Leon) vs. Vita VonStarr & Max The Impaler (with Amy Rose)

Love and Leon are clearly thrown off by the imposing duo they’re facing. VonStarr gains the upper hand on Leon and drops her with an inverted suplex. Love slams VonStarr to the mat twice, so The Allure firmly gains the upper hand. Max growls at Love, and the distraction lets VonStarr rally. She his a fallaway slam, but Leon whips her head-first to the mat. The Allure double-teams VonStarr, but Max keeps scaring Leon. Max tags in and clears house. They drop Leon by running into her like a truck. Love tries to attack Max, but her punch doesn’t have any effect.

Love walks out, leaving Leon on her own. VonStarr rolls up Leon for the win.

Winners: Max The Impaler and Vita VonStarr

Max and Vita keep attacking Leon after the match. Max gets a table, and VonStarr chokes Leon out with a chain. Max grabs Leon and slams her through a table.

EC3 vs. Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson fitting rings a bell in the home of the Liberty Bell and enters the ring. He calls Philadelphia, his hometown, the greatest city in the world. EC3 knocks Johnson’s bell down, a clear sign of disrespect.

The bell rings, and EC3 drops Johnson with a shoulder tackle. Johnson briefly takes EC3 to the mat, but the former world champion drops his opponent with another shoulder tackle. He drops Johnson with a scoop slam, but Johnson fires back with a shoulder tackle of his own. Johnson rolls EC3 up for a two count. EC3 drops “The Mecca” with a lariat and sends him crashing into the corner with an Irish whip. He sends Johnson tumbling into the opposite corner with another Iris whip, and a back body-drop leaves Johnson down on the mat. EC3 crotches Johnson on the top rope and slams him off the top rope. EC3 tells Johnson to stay down, but he refuses to quit. Johnson rallies with some punches, much to the crowd’s delight. A diving shoulder tackle and an inverted atomic drop give “The Mecca” some momentum. A diving clothesline and a running lariat take EC3 down.

Johnson hits a fist drop and dives onto EC3 on the outside. He hurts his hand on the dive, and EC3 rubs salt in the wound by stomping it. He hits an Angle slam and stomps on the injured hand again. Johnson tries to rally, and he almost steals the victory with a low blow and a roll-up. EC3 slams Johnson to the mat and makes him tap out to The Purpose.

Winner: EC3

RPH Glory By Honor Results Continue On The Next Page!