
WWE Opens New Seating For SummerSlam, Shifts Ring Position Over

WWE has been having success with SummerSlam sales so much over recent weeks that they have opened up more seating to fans and shifted the ring.

The ring was originally put on the stadium floor between sections 114 and 115 but has now moved to the left to sit between sections 113 and 114. This equates to roughly 10-15 yards of the stadium. Sections 17, 18, and 19 of the floor have been vastly expanded with more seats and a few have also been added in 310 and 340 of the upper deck.

The shift in floor arrangements are so that as WWE continues to open more seating towards the left of the stadium, the ring remains centered for everyone and not skewed to the right. As we reported earlier this week, the plan remains for John Cena and Roman Reigns to headline the event.

WrestleTix, a reliable wrestling ticketing information source has reported that the seating capacity has been upgraded about 900 seats from 41600 to over 42500.

RELATED: Report: John Cena ‘Locked In’ For SummerSlam Main Event Match