Billie Kay
Photo Credit: WWE

Ron Funches Upset About Billie Kay’s WWE Release, Would Manage Scorpio Sky

Add comedian Ron Funches to the list of wrestling fans who wasn’t happy that Billie Kay was released from WWE.

The 38-year old comedian, who’s also a very public professional wrestling fan, recently appeared on Oral Session With Renee Paquette and spoke about several topics including if he’s ever thought about working in the wrestling business, who he’d like to manage, future breakout stars and being upset over Billie Kay’s recent release from WWE.

On if he’d ever thought about working in wrestling and if so, who he’d like to work with:

“Yeah, of course. I went to wrestling school for three months, I went to Santino Brothers Academy in Los Angeles. Those are the only things I wanted to do in life were stand-up or wrestling. I just think about people that I love but they can all talk. Sami Zayn doesn’t need me, Kevin Owens don’t need me, but who would need me? You know who I would be good with? Scorpio Sky! I think I would be great with him because he’s such a talent, he’s strong, he’s good looking and I could just go up there and say all these things for him.”

Funches on who he sees as needing a bigger push:

“Ohhh, okay, I got a few answers, some more near, some probably further down the line. But, I love…okay…people who I just think represent progress in wrestling and the future of wrestling that I think don’t get enough shine and just talent wise, the first one that pops into my mind is Rey Fenix, just because, like, I’ve never seen someone quite like him since like early, early Rey Mysterio and he has a bigger body mass so it’s like something that I think like, that’s the guy that I would be building more around than I’ve been seeing and someone like Sonny Kiss as well just brings a different perspective for viewers who would maybe not normally even feel safe watching wrestling or going to an event and I think showcasing someone like Sonny Kiss who’s like ‘I’m whatever pronoun you wanna call me, he, she, whatever, I’m just here to kick ass,’ and just a little bit further someone like Trish Adora, an independent wrestler, who just has the best name of any finisher, the ‘Lariat Tubman’ that I really enjoy and it’s funny and then just her, the style she’s bringing and the way that she’s representing her culture I think is just new ways, especially as a guy’s who watches wrestling and has watched trails of black characters for years, to see someone who’s all about black pride and black confidence and not in a confrontational, ‘Nation of Domination’ way but more of a like, beautiful way and it’s so interesting to me and I think she has a bright future.”

On being upset following Billie Kay’s release from WWE:

“Billie Kay was one of my favorite parts of watching every week and now she’s gone. What does that do?! How is that positive at all?! All that does is lower the morale around your people most likely, I’m not there so I don’t know, but it also just took away I liked in your show, so, why do I want to watch now? So I can watch more matches with, ya know, they run the same match between Mandy Rose and them over and over every freakin’ week, like why?!”

You can listen to the full conversation between Paquette and Funches in the player below.

Oral Sessions is a part of The Volume, the new podcast network launched by Colin Cowherd and iHeartMedia.

Related: Billie Kay Releases Statement Thanking The Fans Following Her Release From WWE