AEW Dynamite
Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (4/21/21)

Tonight on AEW Dynamite, Darby Allin will continue his epic open challenge as he puts his TNT Championship on the line against Jungle Boy, Jim Ross has a sit-down interview with The Pinnacle and Tay Conti takes aim at the AEW Women’s Championship against Hikaru Shida!


April 21, 2021, Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL

Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur


Ricky Starks (with Hook) vs. Hangman Page

In a pre-match promo, Starks says Page can’t handle pressure, but he makes diamonds under it. Bell rings and the two go back and forth with some arm drags. Two men go head-to-head. Taz is on commentary. Hangman catches Ricky with a bodyslam. Mudhole stomps by Page. Ricky gets his eyes raked on the ropes and then catches him with a lariat on the apron sending Starks tumbling. Dive onto outside from Page with a cross body.

Pumphandle fallaway by Page into a pin for a two count. Starks sends Page hard intot hte ropes before locking him in sleeper over the second rope. He sends Adam hard into the corner. Forearm shiver to the back and soon Starks land on his feet after a German attempt.

Starks favors his ankle before Hangman hits another fallaway slam on Absolute. Brainbuster by Page for two. Hangman lariats him in the corner, but Starks evades a ground one.  Big-time Liger bomb by Starks gets a near fall.

Ricky goes up top but Hangman hits an avanlanche fallaway slam. Major lariat by Page. 1-2-kickout. Stark evades a Buckshot lariat to hit his spear, 1-2-no! Ricky gets caught in a chokehold submission and uses Ricky’s bad ankle for further torque and Ricky has to submit.

WINNER: Hangman Page

Post-match, Taz cuts a promo to distract Hangman and Hook chop blocks him. He and Starks begin their attack and it’s Cage who comes out to powerbomb Page, but Dark Order come out for the save.

Alex and Penta cut a promo before his match. He signals the worst for Best Friends and Orange Cassidy.


Penta El Zero M (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Trent

Bell rings and the jocking for position begins. The two trade shots after “Zero Miedo.” High knees by Trent takes down Penta. Back suplex by Trent. Penta powders and drags Trent out shoving him into the barricade. Massive lariat by Trent. Trent vaults over the top for a senton onto the outside. He goes for a tornado DDT in the ring, but Penta reverses and hits a slingblade for a two count. Penta goes for a package piledriver, but Trent frees himself and eventually hits his swinging DDT. Penta fires back with a destroyer. We go to picture-in-picture.

Back from it Penta fires away at Trent in the corner and goes for a backstabber but Trent stops it and hits a half-and-half. Running knee strike by Trent for a two count. Trent props Penta up top but Penta frees, kicks Trent and hits a backstabber for a two count.

Hard chop by Penta in the corner. Pump handle driver for a very near fall by Penta. Penta goes for a package piledriver on the apron but Trent escapes and hits a piledriver on the apron, but Penta holds the rope and topples down, avoiding the blow. Trent spears Penta on the outside. Alex grabs the mic and relays a message: “You sucks, your friends suck, but your mom sucks the most!” Trent grabs a chair and Alex gets in the ring. Orange is behind him, but Penta sucker kicks him. Alex hits Trent with the mic and it allows Penta to hit his package piledriver for the win.


Earlier in the day, JR was with The Pinnacle. What was MJF’s reaction to “Jericho’s Immortal Promo.” Tully got MJF a gift which Wardlow presents him with a silk Burberry scarf. Wardlow takes exception to Jericho’s promo. He’s one of the best in the game at it, but not close to MJF. Chris stuttered when he came to Wardlow because he knew he was doing something wrong. MJF goes over Chris’ feuds in AEW, including himself. He’s the one guy he couldn’t outsmart. He’s great period. At 25, Jericho was curtain jerking on WCW Worldwide. He’s undefeated. And if his memory serves him correctly, he already beat Jericho. How about instead of sending Tyson to sucker punch his brothers. He says Chris is right, MJF is a mark, but he’s a mark for Chris’ spot.


AEW Women’s World Championship

Tay Conti (with Dark Order) vs. Hikaru Shida (c)

The two women trade shots. Hikaru feeds some knees and they try to trip one another up.  Side headlock by Conti. Big Judo takedown by Tay. Massive knee and then another. Tay goes for a guillotine waistlock, but Shida gets her foot on the ropes. She bails. Shida boots Conti down on the apron and knees her off. Massive brainbuster by Shida to Conti on the floor. Shida rolls her back in the ring. Shida stomps on her back and then does a bow and arrow lock. Shida transitions over for a camel clutch. Tremendous pump kick by Conti downs Shida. Judo throws begin by Conti. German suplex by Tay. She’s fired up. Pump kick in the corner with a running boot follow-up. She soon goes for the DDTay, but Shida escapes and hits a jumping knee strike. Falcon arrow. 1-2-no!

Shida stacks Tay up top and the two tee off on one another. Shida gives her a headbutt and sets her up in a fireman’s to drop her on top of the turnbuckle (“Witch’s Shot”). She goes for the Kitana but Tay rolls her for a pump kick. Tay-KO! 1-2-no!

She goes for a DD-Tay and Shida hits a Deadeye for a near fall.Fiery elbow strikes by Tay. Fireman’s backbreaker by Shida. Kitana. 1-2-3.

WINNER and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion: Hikaru Shida

Britt Baker comes out to flaunt her #1 ranking on the big screen. No words are said by the DMD.

Miro does have some words: another week and no Kip. He needs his vindication. He doesn’t care who you are, they can’t keep him from his destiny. The real question now is, what champion does he beat first?

Tony Schiavone introduces The Inner Circle. Jericho is amped. He says there’s a lot of energy tonight. May 5 it’s Blood & Guts. He mentions Iron Mike knocking Cash Wheeler’s teeth down his throat. Hager says he’s got a present for him (straws) and he’ll be sucking through them for a month. Santana says Pinnacle waits to have a crew behind them to step up, but from where they come from, they call them “bitch moves.” They’ve seen the color of their blood, but on May 5 they’re gonna see the size of their heart. Jericho says he wrote a showtune about MJF. Jericho sings briefly before cutting out the jokes and promoting a face-to-face confrontation next week.


Billy Gunn vs. QT Marshall

Anthony Agogo hates America and is only here to make money. QT comes out with his Factory and Billy gets the jump on them. Heavy right hands to the head of QT and Billy slugs him off the apron. They brawl outside. Back in the ring QT boots Billy in the face but a tilt-a-whirl bodyslam by Billy levels it all out. QT goes to the outside as Billy confronts the Factory while he tees off on QT.Billy sends QT into the barricade and THe Factory attack Billy. Gunn Club show up and a brawl ensues. BIlly struggles to get back in the ring. QT hammers away at Billy and commentary puts over that QT has the upperhand due to no work of his own. Piledriver for a two count. Hard right hands by QT. Billy fires back. Billy delivers a standing Blue Thunder Bomb. QT avoids a Fame Asser and Billy avoids a Diamond Cutter. Agogo comes on the stage and delivers his gut shot to Billy. QT hits a Diamond Cutter on Billy and it’s over.

WINNER: QT Marshall

Post-match, QT goes to attack Billy with a wooden chair, but out comes Dustin with a bullrope in hand. He attacks QT and gets surrounded by Agogo and Comerato. Dustin shatters that wooden chair over Nick’s head but it doesn’t phase him and we go to break.

The Elite are in their private trailer.  Don Callis pontificates as Matt Jackson puts over that they are “The Elite” in All Elite Wrestling. They mention that Moxley and Kingston are back and challenge them to pay a visit. Kenny begins talking, but hears a lot of honking outside. Lo and behold, it’s Mox and Eddie in a truck as they ram the trailer. Mox has a pipe and they get in the trailer, but they have apparently bailed.


Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Christian Cage

Taz is back on commentary as he announces Brian Cage will take on Hangman Page next week. It’s pretty even for a bit until Christian gets massively powered down by Hobbs. Christian knocks him off the apron and hits a diving dropkick to Powerhouse. Hobbs hits Cage in the back of the head before throwing him over the barricade. We go to break.

Hobbs continues to exude dominance, but Cage gets on a roll and hits a diving uppercut for a two count. Cage does his patented back stomp over the ropes. Hobbs catches Christian with a Enforcer-esque spinebuster. Cage attempts his tornado DDT but calls an audible and nails a powerbomb. Frog splash. 1-2-no!

Cage sizes Hobbs up and charges but he gets trucked down big-time. Hip attack in the corner and Hobbs covers for a two count. Cage has Hobbs in a sleeper, buit Hobbs hits a running stampede in the corner. He can’t complete it and Cage hits the Killswitch to get the win.

WINNER: Christian Cage

Ricky Starks runs out to check on Hobbs as he stares Christian down.

Jade Cargill says that she doesn’t need a manager, but if anybody does they better make her a helluva deal. Before that we see Big Money Matt and Vickie Guerrero making their pitches.


TNT Championship

Jungle Boy (with Luchasuarus) vs. Darby Allin (c) (with Sting)

Two men stare one another down and lock up. They reset. They lock hands briefly before releasing. Darby leg sweeps and covers but JB bridges out only to be caught in a crucifix pinfall. Headlock by Darby. Big headlock takedown by JB. JR notes that JB has 42 wins, only a few behind Kenny Omega. He and Darby continue to trade offense. Another snap headlock takedown by JB.

Darby springboard armdrags JB, but Jungle Boy goes for the Snare Trap and it sends Allin to the ropes. Darby does some mounted punches before the fight spills to the outside. We go to break.

Back from it, JB belly to bellies Darby in the corner. German suplex gets a two count. Tiger suplex gets another two count. Darby hits his flipping stunner for a two count.

JB hits a body scissors to down Darby, but Darby has the wherewithal to roll out. That only cause him to recieve two topes and then a senton over the top for his troubles. JB takes him back to the canvas as Allin appears out of it. Darby does catch JB in a guillotine over the top rope. Darby stomps on the mid-section of JB. He climbs up top and hits a Coffin Drop onto the ring apron! Both men tumble to the outside. The ref begins counting. Lucha motivates JB back in the ring with a bit of an assist. Sting takes exception and begins talking to Lucha. Saurus puts his hands on Sting and receives a strike for his efforts. The two grapple to the back as JB has a series of strikes fowith a running elbow. Two count. JB locks in the Snare Trap. Darby wills himself to the ropes. JB has him in a surfboard stretch. He has the second Snare Trap in and Darby gouges the eyes.

JB slaps him hard. Darby gets sent to the ropes and flips over for his Last Supper pin combo for the 1-2-3.

WINNER and STILL TNT Champion: Darby Allin

Post-match, Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page come out to attack Darby. Page hits his Ego’s Edge on Darby and out comes Archer. They low blow him, but Sting comes out with the bat and the show ends.