ring of honor

ROH Wrestling (3/15/21) Flip Gordon vs. Flamita

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired March 15, 2021

Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers and previews the show. She also recaps last week’s episode, where Jay Lethal earned a Ring of Honor World Championship Match. In a post-match promo, Lethal says the match set him up to purify the whole company, one title at a time. She also announces that Rhett Titus and Tracy Williams will challenge Kenny King and Dragon Lee for the ROH World Tag Team Championship at the 19th Anniversary Show.

In a pre-match promo, Dak Draper says he thrives on success, and he’ll never stop chasing it. He tells Fred Yehi that nobody can stop him from being successful. Meanwhile, Yehi says he needs this win because he keeps losing. He calls this match a must-win situation, and he wonders if Dak Draper is prepared for a hungry “SavageWeight”.

Pure Rules Match: Dak Draper vs. Fred Yehi

Ian Riccaboni reminds viewers that Dak Draper has entered the Pure Division. Draper and Yehi feel each other out with technical holds while the broadcast team talks up Draper’s amateur wrestling background. Yehi dodges a knee drop and grounds Draper. “The Mile High Magnum” chops Yehi, but “The SavageWeight” hits a flurry of stiff strikes. Draper picks Yehi up and swings him around effortlessly. The competitors continue to showcase their technical holds, and Yehi stomps Draper’s foot.

Draper escapes a Koji Clutch attempt, but Yehi blasts him with more chops. Draper blasts Yehi with a closed fist and rocks him with a spinning elbow. “The Mile High Magnum” hits the Magnum KO for the win.

Winner: Dak Draper

Draper gives Yehi a participation ribbon after the match.

Backstage, Tony Deppen describes how a win over Kenny King would earn him a rematch at Dragon Lee’s ROH World Championship. Meanwhile, King says Deppen has stepped into dangerous waters, and he’ll pay for it.

Kenny King (with Amy Rose, Dragon Lee and Bestia del Ring) vs. Tony Deppen

King drops Deppen with a cheap shot after a handshake. He takes control of the match right away, but Deppen hits a springboard armdrag to gain some momentum. A backbreaker squashes Deppen’s momentary rally. King rakes Deppen’s face and plants him with a spinebuster. Deppen continues to fight, as he counters a Royal Flush and blasts King with a flurry of strikes. Deppen hits a senton through the ropes for a two count. King dodges a double stomp, but a knee to the face knocks him to the outside. Deppen plants King with a tornado DDT onto the floor.

King regains the advantage with a Tiger Driver, but he breaks his own pin. He says, “We’re not done yet.” Deppen rolls up King for the surprising win.

Winner: Tony Deppen

La Faccion Ingobernable beats down Deppen after the match, but Brody King makes the save. He attacks L.F.I. and trades blows with RUSH, who ran to ringside. The numbers are too much for King, and L.F.I. beats him down, too. The members of the stable choke him out, and Bestia sends him through a table with a senton.

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