ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (2/8/21): La Faccion Ingobernable Clashes With Brody King, The Briscoes & PCO


ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired February 8, 2021

Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers and previews the show.

A video replays the Beer City Bruiser’s shocking turn on Matt Taven from last week. Backstage, Bruiser gets confronted by Brian Milonas. Bruiser says he’s sick of getting overlooked, and there’s no friends in wrestling. He tells Milonas that he either has his back or he doesn’t. Bruiser then walks out on Milonas.

In a video package, Tracy Williams and the World Famous CB hype up their match. Tracy Williams says The Foundation is all about giving underappreciated wrestlers the opportunity to prove that they can succeed with their wrestling skills alone. He says Rhett Titus has been doing that during his time with the stable. “Hot Sauce” says he’s giving Cheeseburger the opportunity to prove everyone wrong. He praises Cheeseburger’s impressive accomplishments, and he refuses to take his opponent lightly. Williams wants Cheeseburger to prove that he’s a fighter, but he won’t take it easy on him.

“Formerly known as Cheeseburger” says he is back, and he is World Famous CB. He explains how he has a new swag, and he recaps his past with Ring of Honor. He looks back on the origin of his Cheeseburger nickname, and he called it the best and worst thing that ever happened in his career. He thanks the fans for embracing him, but he says the Cheeseburger name has turned him into a novelty act. He explains that he’s here to break through the ceiling that has been limiting him. CB vows to tie Williams up in knots and use his size as his biggest advantage in the ring.

Pure Rules Match: Tracy Williams vs. World Famous CB

Williams and CB exchange technical holds. CB holds his own with Williams and showcases his mat skills. The match is a stalemate early on, but CB takes control with an arm drag. CB briefly locks in a modified Octopus hold, and Williams uses his teeth to break free. Williams chops CB and suplexes him. “Hot Sauce” firmly gains the upper hand and grounds CB.

Williams counters a pin into an armbar, but CB reaches the ropes. “Hot Sauce” wrenches CB’s shoulder and chops him again. CB sends Williams to the outside twice and goes for an armbar. Both men roll around the ring, and Williams reaches the ropes to escape the armbar. Williams hits a backbreaker and an Angle Slam. A gutwrench power bomb earns Williams a two count. CB rallies with a flurry of strikes, but Williams plants him with a Piledriver for the win.

Winner: Tracy Williams

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