ROH Ring Of Honor
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

ROH Wrestling Results (1/4/21): Mark Haskins vs. Jay Lethal

Jay Lethal vs. Mark Haskins (taped in March 2020)

Haskins and Lethal exchange technical holds. The competitors are evenly matched early on. Lethal chops Haskins and gains the upper hand, but Haskins drops him with a kick. “Overkill” targets Lethal’s arm and throws the former world champion to the outside.

Lethal plants Haskins with a cutter on the floor. “Overkill” counters the Lethal Injection, but he can’t escape the Lethal Injection. Haskins rolls Lethal up for a two count and counters Hail to the King. He locks in a Crossface and transitions to the Rings of Haskins, but Lethal reaches the ropes. Haskins drops Lethal with a falling suplex. “Overkill” locks in a Sharpshooter, and Lethal taps out.

Winner: Mark Haskins

In a video message, Amy Rose recaps how the roster celebrated in las Vegas at the onset of the pandemic because they knew they wouldn’t be able to see each other for a while. Mark Briscoe looks back on how he found out about the impact of the pandemic on ROH. Rose says ROH’s content in recent months has been amazing. Briscoe says he’ll keep wrestling no matter what because it’s what he was born to do.

Slex recaps how he had to fly home due to the pandemic, and he say ROH has been “awesome” by taking care of him.

McKay recaps the formation of the ROH Bubble and describes how ROH has used it to keep its roster safe.

McKay says ROH will continue to do its best to produce the best wrestling on the planet in 2021.

In a video segment, Maria Kanellis hypes up #ChooseYourHonor. She says she wants ROH to be “ours.” This says ROH The Experience returns this January.

RELATED: ROH Flips Into 2021 – WrestleZone Podcast