WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (12/7/20)

Backstage, Riddle babbles to Hardy. Riddle pitches to Hardy to team up and become the Hardy Bros. Hardy says he likes it but he has to go. Riddle is sad because he didn’t get a chance to offer Hardy one of his bronuts.

Bobby Lashley w/MVP vs. Jeff Hardy

Lashley immediately takes control, tossing Hardy all over the ring. MVP yells at Lashley to remember Hardy hurt his back. Lashley focuses his assault on Hardy’s previously injured back. Hardy counters the C4 with a leg drop. Hardy calls for the Twist of Fate but Lashley almost turns it into The Hurt Lock. MVP gets on the apron Riddle runs down to the ring and pulls MVP down. Hardy sends Lashley out of the ring and lands a dive. After the break, Lashley is working over Hardy. Lashley goes for The Hurt Lock.

Hardy tries to escape but Lashley rolls him into a sleeper. Lashley transition to a side headlock. Hardy gets to his feet and hits a jawbreaker. Hardy fires up. Hardy combo by Hardy. Lashley kicks out. Whisper in the wind by Hardy. Lashley kicks out again. Lashley stuns Hardy on the top rope. Flatliner by Lashley. Hardy kicks out. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes up for the Swanton. Lashley moves. Hardy hops off the top and gets speared. Lashley puts Hardy in Th Hurt Lock. Hardy taps out.

Winner- Bobby Lashley

After the match, Lashley refuses to release The Hurt Lock. Riddle tries to make the save. MVP holds Riddle’s foot but Riddle kicks him away. Lashley throws Hardy into Riddle and leaves.

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