WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (12/2/20)

Backstage, Candice LeRae is with her WarGames team. LeRae says Blackheart doesn’t even have a full team. LeRae says she has everything to win at WarGames. Raquel Gonzalez says after her match with Blackheart tonight, Blackheart is going to feel like she was run over by a tank.

Cameron Grimes vs. August Grey

Grimes is carrying a bag. Grimes reveals that he is carrying a strap. Grimes clubs Grey with a clothesline to the back of the head. Grey tries to fire up but is quickly cut off by Grimes. Grey walks into a dropkick from Grey. Grey lands a jawbreaker. Grey dives off the top and cross-body blocks Grimes. Grimes hits the Cave In for the win.

Winner- Cameron Grimes

Grimes says that if Dexter Lumis wants to be strapped up to him, he’s made a mistake. Grimes puts the strap around Grey’s wrist. Grimes beats Grey with the strap. Grimes sends Grey out of the ring. Grimes says he’s still strapped up so he can pull Grey back in. Grimes tries to pull Grey back in the ring but its Lumis holding the strap. Grimes turns around and yells “oh sh*t” when he realizes that it’s Lumis. Lumis whips Grimes with the strap. Grimes runs away.

Jake Atlas vs. Tony Nese

Nese flexes at Atlas. Atlas responds with a stiff arm drag. Atlas misses a PK. Atlas avoids Nese’s strike with a cartwheel. Atlas dropkicks Nese. Nese falls to the outside. Suicide dive by Atlas. In the parking lot, Pat McAfee, Pete Dunne, Oney Lorcan, and Danny Burch arrive. Back in the ring, Nese has Atlas in a torture rack. Atlas fires up and clotheslines Nese. Atlas unloads on Nese with strike after strike. Nese cheapshots Atlas. Nese stuns Atlas on the top rope. Nese lands a basement spin kick for a near fall. Nese stomps Atlas in the corner. Nese tries Running Nese, but Atlas moves out of the way. Facebuster by Atlas. Atlas hits the Rainbow DDT for the win.

Winner- Jake Atlas

After the match, Makenzie interviews Atlas. Atlas says it’s been one step forward, then two steps back. Atlas says he may not be standing here as the NXT Cruiserweight Champion, but this is the first step on his journey back to Santos Escobar and the title.


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