WCW Cruiserweight

WWE Secures Several WCW Trademarks Previously Sought Out By Cody Rhodes

In filings with The United States Patent and Trademark Office, WWE has filed trademarks on six former WCW event names, many of which were previously registered by Cody. The events in question are as follows:

  • Slamboree
  • The Match Beyond
  • Bunkhouse Stampede
  • BattleBowl
  • SuperBrawl
  • Bash At The Beach

AEW ran several Bash at the Beach-branded shows earlier this year, but it seems that will not be a repeat event on their 2021 schedule. It was revealed earlier this week that WWE had given up the Cody Rhodes trademark and believed that the two parties were negotiating. The deal seems to be in place now, with WWE and Cody unofficially “trading” the respective trademarks, with the WCW IP being released by Cody in an effort to reclaim his last name.

There are “no hard feelings” between the two parties according to Cody, addressing his new acquisition on Thursday’s AEW media call. Cody says he’s happy to have it back but explained why he doesn’t see himself using it in wrestling.

“When I get the opportunity with the live crowd to send them home with some note, I always assume it’s confidential, which is the silliest thing when you’re talking to a live crowd with cameras everywhere. I’m very happy about being ‘Cody Rhodes’ again. The details of it all aren’t important” Cody explained, “other than it was a very positive, no hard feelings on either side type of scenario. I will say it’s not something I will probably use in the wrestling space.”

“I’ve gotten very used to ‘The American Nightmare Cody’. I like how Justin Roberts says it; I just like it. I’ve liked it for some time. Where I’m most excited about ‘Cody Rhodes’ being available again is when it comes to third-party ventures and things like Go BIG Show, the show I was part of that’s coming to TBS, and other projects like that only because in our wrestling bubble that we’re all in,” Cody said, “we’re all a family and we’re part of it, all of us, everyone knows the saga of Cody Rhodes. When you dip your toes into different waters and other worlds they might not understand and they don’t need that pre-existing equity or baggage, so it will be nice to finally tell them what they can credit on the screen and where the SAG credits can go and things of that nature. It was a very special day. I’m happy it worked out and I’m very thankful for everybody who was involved.”

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