WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/2/20)

Sara tells R-Truth that he is facing Bobby Lashley tonight. R-Truth says he isn’t here to fight THE Bobby Lashley who puts people in Nelson from the Simpsons. R-Truth is here to get his water bottle signed by his favorite waterboy, Bobby Boucher.

R-Truth vs. Bobby Lashley

R-Truth says they are both champions so they don’t have to fight. R-Truth drops down and tells Lashley to pin him. Lashley lifts R-Truth off the mat. R-Truth lands a few strikes before getting destroyed by a Spear. Lashley puts R-Truth in the Hurt Lock. R-Truth taps out.

Winner- Bobby Lashley

After the match, Lashley puts R-Truth in the Hurt Lock. Drew Gulak hits the ring and tries to pin R-Truth. Lashley hits the C4, then puts Gulak in the Hurt Lock. Gulak passes out. Lashley puts Gulak on top of R-Truth. The referee counts to three.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion, Drew Gulak!

Backstage, Jax yells about Lana getting involved in her matches. Jax says she is going to end Lana’s career tonight.

In-Ring Segment: AJ Styles and Friend

Styles says so far, SmackDown’s Men’s Survivor Series team is already very talented. Styles says he should be the captain of Team Raw. Why wouldn’t they want a captain who isn’t the best of the very best? Styles says he is going to get a rallying cry going by introducing his team. Styles introduces Sheamus and Keith Lee. Styles tells Sheamus and Lee that they are the best of the best. Lee says they never agree to call Styles captain. Lee adds that if Styles thinks his big friend standing outside the ring is enough to intimate him, he is woefully mistaken. Sheamus says he agrees with Lee. Braun Strowman power walks out on the stage and says the only thing RAW needs are his hands.

Lee says everyone in the ring had to qualify to be on the team. Strowman says he doesn’t have to do anything. He has won at Survivor Series before and he beat Lee clean a few weeks ago. Adam Pearce walks out on the ramp and says he’s been having trouble finding someone who is willing to face Strowman. Lee says he’ll do it. Sheamus says Lee hasn’t been here long enough to call the shots on what matches get booked. Styles suggest they have a triple threat match. If Strowman wins, he is in. Pearce agrees.

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