WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (10/21/20)

Backstage, Adam Cole is on an Ipad face-timing the rest of The UE. Cole says he isn’t medically cleared but he will be back soon. Tonight The UE takes its first step back to the golden prophecy.

Ember Moon vs. Jessi Kamea 

Moon sweeps Kamea. Moon tells Kamea she is going to show her how to work. Kamea arm drags Moon. Basement uppercut by Kamea. Kamea locks Moon in a cravat. Moon does a front flip and lands on her feet to break the hold. Front dropkick by Moon. Basement stomp followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall by Moon. Moon locks Kamea in a crossface. Kamea rolls Moon into a pin. Moon kicks out. Moon lights Kamea up with a few kicks. Kamea lands a few up kicks. Moon grabs Kamea’s leg and locks her in a modified ankle lock. Kamea rolls Moon into the second turnbuckle. Kamea floors Moon with a springboard elbow for a near fall. Kamea whips Moon into the corner but Moon pops up to the second rope. Moon hits a flying codebreaker. Moon locks Kamea in a deathlock with a crossface. Kamea taps out.

Winner- Ember Moon

After the match,  Dakota Kai attacks Moon. Kai levels Moon with a big boot on the apron.

Backstage, Strong and O’Reilly are helping Fish. Fish says he can’t put any weight on his leg. Someone attacked him from behind but he didn’t see who it was.

Austin Theory vs. Bronson Reed

Theory tries to run away from Reed. Theory eventually catches Reed with a dropkick. Reed floors Theory with a chop. Reed picks up Theory. Theory escapes and chop blocks Reed. Theory locks Reed in a rear chin lock. Reed fights to his feet. Theory hits the ropes but Reed powerslams him. Reed crushes Theory with a senton. Reed goes up top. Theory cuts Reed off. Theory tries to set up a suplex but Theory cant lift Reed. Reed lands a right hand that sends Theory flying. Reed flattens Theory with a top rope splash for the win.

Winner- Bronson Reed

Fish is at a local medical facility. O’Reilly is going to take Fish’s place tonight.

Theory grabs a mic and says he is the future of NXT and he has done more than Reed has done in his entire career. Theory demands Reed get back in the ring. Reed obliges.

Austin Theory vs. Bronson Reed

Theory lands a few punches. Reed hits a tossing Samoan drop for the win!

Backstage, Xi Li says her match with Kacy Catanzaro is very important to her. She needs this match. Catanzaro says she is always up for a challenge. Li says this is the most important match in her career.

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