WWE The Horror Show at Extreme Rules Results (7/19/20)

Backstage, Alexa Bliss, Asuka, and Kairi Sane give Cross a pep talk.

SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Bayley (c) w/Sasha Banks vs. Nikki Cross w/ Alexa Bliss

Bayley mocks Cross. Cross slaps Bayley so hard she ends up in the corner. Cross surprises Bayley with her backbreaker finisher. Bayley kicks out at 2.9. Bayley rolls out of the ring and is all out of sorts. Wrecking ball dropkick by Cross. Cross hits a tornado DDT off the announce desk. Cross sends Bayley into the ring. Cross hits two top rope crossbody block. Cross can’t hold Bayley down for a three count. Bayley sends Cross into the barricade face-first. Bayley works over Cross, stomping her in the corner before trapping Cross in the ring skirt.

Bayley rains down strikes. Cross lands a few strikes before hitting a stunner in the ropes. Bayley rolls into the ring. Cross mocks Bayley’s old running corner splash. Bayley waist locks Cross for the Bayley-to-Belly but Cross fights out of it. Bayley ends up hitting it anyway. Cross kicks out. As Bayley is caught up talking to Cole at the announce desk, Cross schoolboys her for a near fall. Bayley responds with a few more strikes. Bayley rolls out of the ring and hugs Banks. Cross hits a reverse DDT for a near fall. Cross hits a running bulldog. Cross goes up top again. Bayley avoids Cross as she sails off the top. Cross sends Bayley into the turnbuckle face first.

Bayley looks to be out. Cross pulls Bayley to the apron and hits her finish off the apron to the floor. Cross brings Bayley back in. Bayley kicks out. Banks and Bliss both get on the apron. As the referee is distracted, Banks hands Bayley her four finger diamond incrested “BOSS”  ring. Bayley decks Cross with it. Bayley hits her facebuster finish for the win.

Winner and STILL SmackDown Women’s Champion, Bayley!

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