IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (4/14/20)

Report By Lovell Porter for

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In-Ring Segment: Johnny Swinger

Swinger says he is going to fight a Young Buck as he promised. Mike Jackson walks out. Jackson is a 70-year-old man who doesn’t appreciate Swinger trying to take advantage of the young guys in the back.

Mike Jackson vs. Johnny Swinger

Jackson takes Swinger over with a flying arm drag. Head scissor take over by Jackson. Swinger falls out of the ring. The 70-year-old Jackson hits a dive. Jackson does old school, but he walks the length of the top rope before dropping Swinger with a clubbing blow. Atomic drop by Swinger. Suplex by Swinger. Jackson fires up. Swinger pins Jackson with his feet on the ropes.

Winner- Jonny Swinger

Backstage, Ace Austin complains about Willie Mack wanting a title shot. Trey walks in and gets into a fight with Austin.

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