WWE WrestleMania 36 Live Results

WWE WrestleMania 36 Part 2 Results (4/5/20)

Stephanie McMahon welcomes us to the show.

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

Flair takes down Ripley. Flair mocks Ripley. Flair and Ripley go nose-to-nose. Flair lights Ripley up with chop after chop. Ripley hits Riptide on Flair. Flair kicks out. Flair rolls out of the ring. Ripley gives chase. Flair rolls back into the ring. Flair stomps Ripley as she tries to get back in the ring. Flair and Ripley unload on each other outside the ring. Ripley dives off the ring steps and hits a senton. Ripley sends Flair back into the ring. Dropkick by Ripley. Ripley suplexes Flair. Flair kicks out. Ripley puts Flair in a body scissors. Ripley turns it into a pin. Flair kicks out. Ripley misses a boot and gets her leg tied up in the ropes. Flair snaps Ripley’s leg on the top rope. Flair works over Ripley’s injured knee. Flair slams Ripley’s knee into the ring post. Ripley pulls Flair into the ring post. Ripley tries to get to his feet. Flair chop blocks Ripley. Ripley surprises Flair with a facebuster. Ripley and Flair trade strikes. Dropkick bu Ripley. Short arm clotheslines by Ripley.

Ripley tries to slap the feeling back into her knee. Flair back body drops Ripley over the top. Ripley lands on feet. Flair kicks Ripley in the knee. Ripley electric chair drops Flair as Flair stands on the second rope. Flair catches Ripley with another stiff chop. Ripley responds with a missile dropkick. Flair kicks out. Ripley misses a big boot. Flair takes out Ripley’s knee again. Flair tries to lock in the Figure-Four. Ripley reverses it into her patented standing cloverleaf. Flair escapes and kicks Ripley in the knee. Flair puts Ripley in a Boston Crab. Ripley turns it into a pin. Flair and Ripley trade pins. Neither can hold the other down. Ripley destroys Flair with a running boot. Flair kicks out. Ripley tries to superplex Flair. Flair counters and slams Ripley off the top. Flair tries a moonsault but Ripley catches her with a boot to the face. Flair bounces off the ropes and spears Ripley. Ripley kicks out. Flair puts Ripley in the Figure-Four. Flair bridges up into the Figure-Eight. Ripley taps out.

Winner and NEW NXT Women’s Champion, Charlotte Flair!

WWE WrestleMania 36 Part 2 Results Continue On The Next Page!