The Dynasty MLW Gino Medina, Alexander Hammerstone Richard Holliday MJF
Photo Credit: MLW

MLW Fusion Recap: The Dynasty vs. The Von Erichs In A Rematch For Tag Titles

This week’s episode of MLW Fusion is executive produced by The Dynasty (and believe you me, it’s evident) as we are blessed with non-stop Dynastic imagery and graphics to kick off the show. The foursome were sure to impose a “ban” onto Ol’ Mance Warner after he called the crew “assholes” as he sipped on a Natty Light.

“The massive and vascular” Alexander Hammerstone

It was announced by Rich Bocchini as the first match took place that Air Wolf’s career with MLW has seemingly come to an end after he was attacked by CONTRA’s Sentai Death Squad last week. The locker room backstage clearly has to be at great unease after this news.

Match 1

“El Intocable” Gino Medina vs. Septimo Dragon

It doesn’t take long for the action to go to the outside as “the man dressed as a dragon” shows his skill with an outside attack.

The two have a chess match of athleticism as one another outwit each other with quickness. Medina feigns a handshake, but Septimo doesn’t bite. He gives Medina one stunning headscissors before kipping up. Septimo goes for another one but this time Medina tosses him off into the ropes and takes control.

Gino maintains control for quite awhile, but Septimo comes leaping off the tope with an arm drag to show, but Gino gains advantage quickly after with a jarring enziguri. Gino quickly rolls to the outside and shoves Konnan. As this goes on, Septimo leaps out of the ring with an Asai moonsault.

Septimo keeps Medina mixed up with some handspring avoidance before nailing a Spanish fly out of nowhere. Only a two count!

Septimo goes to the next level with one amazing springboard DDT and then soon seizes the opportunity to climb the turnbuckle. He goes for a top rope double foot stomp, but Medina makes haste to avoid and grabs Septimo for a top corner snake eyes that sends Septimo silly. Medina rolls up Septimo in a small package, but also puts his foot on the rope for leverage to get the advantageous, yet tainted victory.

WINNER: Gino Medina

Post-match Medina calls Holliday in for some extracurricular carnivora as the two hyenas begin to stomp away at Septimo. Then in a purely disgraceful and abhorrent act, the two unmask Septimo. Thankfully he has time to cover his face as Konnan runs in to ward the two off with a slap jack. Konnan is fired up and rightfully so.

Mance Warner may be banned from the arena, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t hanging outside of the Dallas Nytex Centre, “I ain’t gone!”

If you didn’t feel MLW was amped up as it could possibly get, look out for Erick Stevens, who debuts with the company next week on Fusion

Match 2

MLW National Openweight Championship

Aerostar vs. Alexander Hammerstone (c)

Konnan is on commentary who is happy to represent the experienced Aerostar and that is evident as he shows off his athleticism, but during the break, Hammerstone hits Aerostar hard with a powerbomb on the apron and then further shows such strength with a stalling Spinal Countdown slam that has to be seen to be believed. However, back from break Aerostar hits a barrel roll splash that knocks down Hammer hard.

Hammer sends a forearm shiver to Aerostar and hoists him up for a Nightmare Pendulum, but Aerostar rolls him up for a pin attempt instead. Aerostar makes sure to capitilize and hits an ace crusher before going for the cover. Two count!

The record-setting Dallas crowd is all behind this match and Hammer holds Aerostar once more for one ring rumbling superplex. A nonchalant cover only gets Hammer a two count however. Hammer hits his bicycle kick, German suplex combo and goes to deliver another powerbomb. Aerostar rolls free and in another display of pure disrespect anddisgracefulness, unmasks Aerostar mid match! That causes Aerostar to cover his face and Hammer rolls him up for the undeserving three count.

WINNER and STILL MLW National Openweight Champion: Alexander Hammerstone

Post-match, Hammer talks trash to Konnan who helps Aerostar to the back with a towel over his head. Hammer gloats in the center of the ring holding Aerostar’s mask like a big-game hunter.

We get a second episode of Tom Lawlor’s “Dallas.” He and Dominic Garrini are on the former hallowed grounds of the Dallas Sportatorium in where the Von Erichs cemented their name in pro wrestling history. Dom calls the place a dump as Tom says they’ve come here to wish Marshall and Ross best of luck as they defend their tag belts tonight. He tells them not to piss their opportunity away which prompts Dominic and to literally do such on the former spot of the building the Von Erichs built. Pretty low, even for Team Filthy.

We catch wind again outside with Mance Warner who admits to hammering a couple of light beers outside. Mancer thinks it’s high-time to crash Dynasty’s party.

CONTRA interrupts the Fusion feed as MLW World Champ, Jacob Fatu issues warning to CIMA, who he’ll be defending his title against in South Philadelphia at Fightland. He’s going on a global rampage and it starts with CIMA. “You want a title shot? Come get it!”

The Von Erichs are backstage side by side with Davey Boy Smith whose family shares a lot of history with one another. Because of this Davey Boy is happy to have Ross and Marshall’s back. Plus he has some incentive as DB clearly remembers the eye poke Tom Lawlor gave him a few weeks back in their match to pick up the win. “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” Davey recalls the phrase to go, and he assures Lawlor will be missing a few next go-around.

Mance is outside but he’s not alone as he crosses paths with Grogan who states that he can’t let Mance in. As a means of comradery, Mance and he share in some Natty Light. Mance sweetens the deal with a few more and Grogan ends breaking beers with Mance before letting The Bucksnort Brawler barge in with Grogan stating that MJF’s an asshole. Woo boy!

Main Event

MLW World Tag Team Championships

The Dynasty (MJF & Richard Holliday) vs. The Von Erichs (c)

The Dynasty are the first team scheduled to enter, but both Holliday and MJF walk to the back while their music plays. Word is that they have a celebration room set up in the back, so instead the champions, Marshall and Ross come out first. As the two are presented flowers at ringside in come MJF and Holliday for a surprise attack. They ambush the brothers before the bell even rings!

The bell does ring and the two continue their heinous attack on the brothers.

MJF yells at fans before they roll Ross into the ring. Both men gang up on Ross before Richard and Max take their turns on the older Von Erich brother. Holliday finally becomes the legal man but soon tags in MJF. Max mocks Marshall on the apron as they cut off the ring for Ross.

Holliday gets a two count but Ross shows that Von Erich resiliency. The Dynasty doll out a wishbone breaker to Ross and the Dallas crowd is all about booing the diabolical Dynasty.

Ross finds a window with a jawbreaker and almost tags in Marshall, but Holliday rips him off the apron.

A double elbow drop delivered to Ross but he kicks out. The two continue to keep Ross resided on their side of the ring as Marshall is chomping at the bit to get in.

Both Dynasty members continue to take their turn delivering moves to Ross and it’s all saturated with arrogant and underhanded boasting. MJF soon slams Ross’ head down hard on the mat and tags in Holliday for a double suplex, but Ross lands on his feet and hits a double neckbreaker!

Marshall is firing up his brother to get to the ropes and he does so. Ross leaps in and fires away at both MJF and Holliday. Dallas is exploding as he knocks both men down. Marshall corner cannoballs Richard Holliday before smacking him down with a standing moonsault center ring.

Ross runs at Richard with a vaulting knee and Marshall follows up with a lariat that would make Stan Hansen smile! A two count!

The brothers get back to their feet to hit a double dropkick onto MJF before Marshall launches Ross on top of Max for an outside plancha!

Holliday runs in to boot Ross off the apron, but Marshall sets Holliday up on the top turnbuckle. He goes for a superplex attempt, but Holliday turns it into a top rope Market Crash! MJF leaps off the top rope for a splash onto the prone Marshall. Both men pile on top for a cover, but Ross runs in just in time to break it up! A very close call for the Von Erichs!

All men are down and look who comes out but Hammerstone. However, Mance Warner isn’t far off with a chair in hand. He waits for Hammer to turn around before laying him out. Out comes Gino Medina and the two brawl their way to the back. The sides are even again!

The crowd is on their feet as MJF is left all alone and Max has a scary sense of what’s to come – The Claw! The brothers deliver their signature double team and it’s all arithmetic at this point! The Von Erichs are still your MLW Tag Team Champions!

WINNERS and STILL MLW World Tag Team Champions: Ross & Marshall Von Erich

These results were written by @DOMINICDEANGELO but are COURTESY OF MLW.COM. Watch the full episode of  this week’s MLW Fusion below:

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