WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (2/12/20)

Backstage, Angel Garza says he never lost the Cruiserweight title. Lio Rush interrupts and says the guy Garza beat for the title isn’t here anymore. Rush is faster and stronger and going to win. Garza laughs at Rush.

Candice LeRae vs. Dakota Kai

LeRae lands a lung blower. Kai surprises LeRae with a running boot. LeRae lands a dropkick. Tope by LeRae. LeRae lands another tope. The crowd asks for one more. LeRae obliges two more times. LeRae missile dropkicks Kai. Kai kicks LeRae in the face. LeRae’s nose is bleeding. Kai sends LeRae into the ring post shoulder first. LeRae misses the springboard moonsault. LeRae lands an under bomb. LeRae locks Kai in the Gargano Escape. Kai turns it into a roll up for the win.

Winner- Dakota Kai

After the match. LeRae chases Kai. Kai slams LeRae’s head into the barricade. Kai hits LeRae in the gut with the ring bell. Tegan Nox attacks Kai from behind. They are eventually separated by security.

Johnny Gargano vs. Cameron Grimes

Gargano and Grimes trade submission attempts. Gargano puts Grimes in a deathlock. Grimes gets to the ropes. Series of arm drags by Gargano. Gargano puts Grimes in the crossface. Gargano adds an armbar to the move. Grimes escapes and floors Gargano with the kitchen sink. Ranna by Gargano. Gargano dropkicks Grimes. Grimes falls out of the ring. Gargano blasts Grimes with a cannonball off the apron. Gargano lights up Grimes with a few chops. Grimes counters Gargano’s slingshot DDT attempt with a flapjack. Grimes turns Gargano inside out with a lariat. Grimes German suplexes Gargano for a near fall. Tornado facebuster by Gargano. Gargano turns Grimes inside out with a lariat of his own. Slingshot spear by Gargano. Grimes lands a nasty side effect. Gargano kicks out. Gargano and Grimes trade strikes. Grimes hits a standing Spanish fly. Gargano kicks out. Grimes misses his finish. Gargano and Grimes trade superkicks. DDT by Gargano. Grimes misses is finish. Gargano locks in the Gargano Escape. Grimes taps out.

Winner- Johnny Gargano

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