MLW Myron Reed
Photo Credit: Myron Reed

MLW To Grade Officials After Myron Reed Calls Out Refs For Bias

Myron Reed faced quite the controversial situation in his match this past week on MLW Fusion and it looks like the League will be taking action.

When the World Middleweight Champ hit his patented “No Cap Splash” onto AAA’s Drago, the pinfall began to be administered until the referee stopped count right after two, but nothing prompted the pause. The official then did finish the count

Although, Reed did win the match with the help of Kotto Brazil’s interference, a legit case was certainly made for Reed’s unrest. Therefore, MLW has announced that they will take action and begin grading officials.

For the past year current World Middleweight Champion Myron Reed has called out referees claiming a bias against him and others. From exhaustive pre-match frisking for foreign weapons to inconsistent counts for pinfalls, there is a lot to unpack and evaluate.

The league has carefully reviewed the numerous complaints and agrees: there is a need for a more thorough referee evaluations.

MLW referees will now be graded every call in a match as well as the overall performance in each match.

Top referees will be assigned for top 10 matches. The highest grading referees of that group will work non-title main events, and the very top are crewed for the Opera Cup tournament and the championship title bouts.

Additionally, all referees will undergo a more thorough background screening to ensure they are of the highest moral character.

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