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Kane On Politics, Learning From Daniel Bryan, And The Most Fun He’s Had In Wrestling

Photo by Bryan Lynn/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images

Sports Illustrated recently spoke with Knoxville, Tennessee, mayor Glenn Jacobs. Kane discussed his funnest WWE run, how he gets along with Daniel Bryan despite having different politics, and how rewarding his job as mayor is.

Check out highlights below:

On how he’s learned from Daniel Bryan:

Bryan and I are on such opposite ends of the political spectrum, but we respect each other as human beings and value each other’s opinions, so we had conversations and learned from each other. I learned a lot from Bryan, even if we didn’t always agree.

The run he had that was the most fun:

Working with Bryan was probably the most fun I had in my entire wrestling career. That was because I was working with Daniel Bryan. I can’t say enough about the guy and his talent. Kane was a very dark, serious character, but Daniel Bryan changed all that. That was such a refreshing change for me.

If you told people in 1999 that Kane was going eventually going to be in some of the funniest segments of the show, they wouldn’t have believed you. I was able to show off a side of Kane that wasn’t so dark, and that was all due to Bryan.

Enjoying being a mayor:

I love working in our community and I’m enjoying it more than I ever dreamed. There are difficult parts, but that happens with every job, and I’m so happy to be able to serve our community.

Local politics is vitally important. We watch all the drama from Washington, D.C., but so much of the work is done at the state and local level. I think we can make some of the biggest impact at the local level. You’re much more in tune with the community, and I love that and find it extremely rewarding.