IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (12/17/19)

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Tenille Dashwood vs. Jordynne Grace

Dashwood and Grace trade submission attempts. Grace runs over Dashwood with a shoulder block. Grace catches Dashwood in midair for a suplex. Dashwood lands a head-scissors into a Russian leg sweep. Grace whips Dashwood into the corner. Dashwood puts Grace in the tarantula. Dashwood reverses Grace’s powerslam into a reverse DDT. Grace surprises Dashwood with a spinebuster. Grace misses a double knee strike in the corner. Dashwood splashes Grace in the corner. Dashwood butterfly suplexes Grace for a near fall. Dashwood attempts a la magistral cradle. Grace counters into a pin of her own for the win.

Winner- Jordynne Grace

After the match, Grace and Dashwood shake hands. Taya Valkyrie attacks Grace from behind. Dashwood makes the save.

Backstage, Moose makes fun of Rhino for losing to RVD. Rhino Gores Moose.

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