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ODB Teams Up With Allysin Kay, Beats Melina & Marti Belle

NWA Into the Fire continues to roll on, with Allysin Kay coming away with a big win over Melina & Marti Belle, thanks to some timely help from ODB. Initially a mystery guest, ODB made her entrance to a loud reaction from the crowd before helping Kay come away with a victory. For a brief recap of the match, check out below, and make sure to follow along with our live coverage of NWA Into the Fire:

Kay stays on top as she hits a neckbreaker for two. Melina talks trash and Kay flips her in. Kay goes for a modified piledriver on Melina but Belle stops her with a penalty kick. Marti ground and pounds Kay on the mat. Belle tags in Melina and smashes Kay’s face off the canvas. Melina punches away in the corner. Ref back is turned and Marti chokes Kay. Melina shoulder thrusts into Kay. Belle gets the tag for a side Russian Leg Sweep. Two count. DDT by Belle. ODB has yet to be tagged.

She finally gets her chance and brings the boom to Belle. Bronco buster in the corner by ODB. She fold her up for a pin but Melina breaks it up. Kay hits an AK47 on Melina and ODB hits a Samoan Drop on Belle for the win.