king mo
Photo By David Fitzgerald/Sportsfile via Getty Images

King Mo Explains How Wrestling Made Him An Atheist

In a clip from Busted Open Radio, King Mo jokingly revealed that wrestling made him into an atheist. “Wrestling helped make me who I am today. I’m an atheist because of pro wrestling.” He continued by talking about how his Muslim mother was converted to Christianity. When he was young, preachers told him that anything could happen through the power of prayer. “I remember Clash of the Champions and I’ll never forget when Sting wrestled Ric Flair. So I said ‘I know what I want. I want Sting to beat Ric Flair.”

Mo said he prayed four-five times a day for his desired match outcome. “I was like, ‘Okay God loves me because Sting’s winning’… I’ll never forget. The countdown and there’s a draw and I was like, ‘Maybe. God…’

After this experience and a similar incident involving the Powers of Pain losing to the Legion of Doom, young Mo had his religious beliefs set in stone.

For the full story as only King Mo can tell it, check out the embedded tweet below:

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