MLW Saturday Night SuperFight Results (11/2/19): Jacob Fatu vs. LA Park

Texas Tornado Tag Team Match for the MLW World Tag Team Championship: The Dynasty (c) (MJF and Richard Holiday) vs. The Von Erichs

Before the match, MJF says the Von Erichs suck and mocks them. Holliday says the Dynasty is the best way to start MLW’s first pay-per-view. Holliday calls the Von Erichs fake Texans who can’t even afford shoes. The Von Erichs come to the ring and the match begins. Both teams quickly begin brawling.

The brothers hit stereo dropkicks. MJF tosses Marshall into the barricade. The Dynasty gangs up on Ross. MJF hits Marshall in the head with the ring bell. Holliday hits the Market Crash on Marshall onto the ring apron. MJF and Holliday continue to double-team Ross. Holliday hits him with the 2008 for a two count. Ross sends MJF and Holliday crashing into each other but the Dynasty maintains control. They strut and hit stereo elbow drops on Ross. Marshall reenters the match and clears house. He clotheslines MJF and Holliday and the brothers hit stereo somersault sentons. Ross and Marshall rock Holliday with running knees.

MJF crotches Marshall but Ross briefly locks in the claw before MJF uses the rope to hit him below the belt. Holliday plants Ross with a superplex, MJF hits a splash and Marshall breaks up the pin with a moonsault. Marshall locks MJF in the claw and the brothers turn it into a back suplex to pin MJF and win the match.

Winners and new MLW World Tag Team Champions: the Von Erichs

A special edition of “H2” shows Brian Pillman Jr. and Davey Boy Smith Jr. discussing Pillman’s match with Low Ki. Pillman says he’s going to give the match everything he has.

Septimo Dragon, Gringo Loco & Puma King vs. Injustice (Myron Reed, Jordan Oliver and Kotto Brazil) 

The match quickly breaks into a brawl. Oliver and Loco start the match and Loco sends him to the outside. Reed sends Loco into the guardrail. Dragon showcases his athleticism and hits a Spanish Fly. Puma King slams Dragon onto Reed. Puma King throws Brazil up, slams him down and superkicks him.  Loco and King double-team Brazil and Team Loco gangs up on him. Dragon hits Oliver with a DDT. Team Loco separately dives to the outside onto their opponents. Team Loco chops Reed’s chest protector to no avail. Injustice gangs up on Loco.

Brazil and Oliver dropkick him at the same time. Loco catches Oliver in mid-air and powerbombs him. Dragon drops Brazil and Oliver with a springboard kick. King hits a diving stomp on Reed. Oliver and Brazil catch King but Dragon dives onto them all. Loco hits a moonsault on Reed for a near fall. Loco counters an Ace Crusher and gets another near fall after a piledriver. Reed pins Dragon after a springboard 450 splash.

Winners: Injustice

A video package recaps Teddy Hart’s rivalry with Austin Aries.

MLW World Middleweight Championship: Teddy Hart (c) vs. Austin Aries

Hart carries his cat, Mr. Velvet to the ring. Aries hits a suicide dive on Hart before the match officially begins. Aries hits Hart with the championship and sends him crashing into the barricade. The challenger hits a missile dropkick. Hart fires back with some strikes, including a stiff European uppercut. Hart sends Aries crashing into the corner. Hart consistently favors his neck and looks a little wobbly. Aries hits Hart with a Death Valley Driver on the ring apron. Aries dives onto Hart. A slingshot senton gets Hart a two count. The challenger hits Hart with a legbreaker on the apron.

Aries hits a diving back elbow for a two count and briefly locks in the Last Chancery. Hart counters a suplex into a cutter. The champion hits a Backstabber and a suplex for a two count. Aries nails a discus forearm. Hart plants Aries on his head for a two count. Aries rakes Hart’s eyes and hits a powerbomb off the top.

Aries locks in the Last Chancery but Hart crawls to the ropes. Hart hits a moonsault onto Aries outside the ring. Aries crotches Hart on the ropes. Aries nails the Brainbuster for a near fall. Hart counters a dive and sends Aries head-first into the barricade. Aries rolls Hart up for a near fall and Hart hits the Canadian Destroyer to win the match.

Winner and still MLW World Middleweight Champion: Teddy Hart

Backstage, Josef Samael says Teddy Hart has a target on his back and he has an offer for the Von Erichs he knows they won’t be able to refuse. Samael says Jacob Fatu’s match with LA Park will be the first public execution.

MLW Saturday Night SuperFight Results continue on the next page!