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ROH Wrestling Results (10/26/19): Vegas Wild-Card Tag Team Match

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired October 26, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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A video package recaps Angelina Love’s victory over Kelly Klein at Ring of Honor Death Before Dishonor.

Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay welcome viewers to the show and preview the card.

Vegas Wild-Card Eight-Man Tag Team MatchRhett Titus, Joe Hendry, Cheeseburger and Silas Young vs. Brian Johnson, Josh Woods and Jeff Cobb  (ROH Death Before Dishonor)

Kenny King and Cheeseburger start things off. Titus tags in and faces his former partner before Johnson and then Woods quickly tag in. Woods wrestles Titus to the mat. Young enters the match and faces his partner. Titus and his teammates isolate Johnson, who manages to tag Cobb. Cheeseburger tries to stop Cobb but he gets tossed across the ring. Cobb clears house and plants Titus with a stalling suplex. King slaps Titus in the face and lures him into a clothesline from Johnson. Titus takes Johnson down with a clothesline. Johnson says he doesn’t need any of his partners.

Cheeseburger comes in and gains control. He hits a Fuji Special. Woods drops Hendry with a knee to the face. The match breaks down into chaos. Cobb and Hendry are briefly the last men standing. Cobb suplexes Titus and Burger while Hendry slams Johnson and King. Hendry and Cobb clothesline each other outside the ring. Woods and Young tag in but Johnson drags Woods out. Woods rolls up Young for the surprise win after both men hit their finishes on other competitors.

Winners: Josh Woods, Kenny King, Brian Johnson and Jeff Cobb

In a taped video segment, ROH World Television Champion Shane Taylor says he’s the baddest champion you’ve ever seen and he’s going to show everyone why that’s the case.

A video package recaps the brutal match between Vincent Marseglia and Silas Young and the Bouncers at ROH Death Before Dishonor. Backstage, the Bouncers say they want to fight a new opponent.

The Bouncers vs. Slice Boogie and Chris Bey

Bey hits Brawler Milonas with a dropkick but the big man tosses him into the corner. Milonas floors Bey with a clubbing arm in mid-air. Beer City Bruiser tags in and hits Bey with some punches. Boogie takes Bruiser down with a clothesline. Bey rocks Bruiser with a kick. Boogie hits a slingshot elbow. Bey hits a moonsault. Bruiser slams Boogie onto Bey. Milonas splashes Boogie and Bey. The Bouncers hit Bey with Closing Time for the win.

Winners: The Bouncers

Backstage, Titus and the losing team from the Wild-Card match argue. Hendry tries to give his teammates his autograph. Plus, Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham bond after their match and seem to have hashed things out. Lethal says Gresham showed him there are other way of doing things and he accepts Gresham’s views. Gresham says the tag division needs a duo like them.

Riccaboni and McKay preview Ring of Honor Honor United.

A video package recaps the finals of the 2019 ROH Top Prospect tournament, where Dak Draper defeated Austin Gunn. Backstage, Draper talks about his work ethic and physical conditioning. He says his greatest weapon is his mind. Draper says he’s coming for the Ring of Honor World Television Championship.

Riccaboni and McKay preview RUSH’s upcoming Ring of Honor World Championship defense against Jeff Cobb.

Brian Zane takes a look at some of the toughest Ring of Honor World Champions in history, including Austin Aries and Kevin Steen. Dalton Castle interrupts Zane; he’s upset because Zane didn’t include him on the list.

ROH Wrestling Results continue on the next page!