colt cabana
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Colt Cabana Announces ROH Unauthorized Matches, Several Strange Stipulations

Ring Of Honor will put on their Unauthorized show on Nov. 3 in Columbus, Ohio. The card will feature eight “crazy matches” that are being booked by none other than Colt Cabana. He’ll be using plenty of non-regular ROH talent to make some odd, yet surely to be entertaining, matches.

  • PCO vs. Dan Maff
  • Swoggle in a match to be announced
  • Mark Briscoe vs. Josh Woods (with Silas Young & Jay Briscoe on commentary, if their tag partner takes a lateral press they have to take a shot)
  • Ultimo Guerrero in a match to be announced
  • El Jefe Cobb & Jey el Lethal vs. Delirious and Mini Delirious (loser gets demasked)
  • Rush and Dragon Lee vs. Tracy Williams & Mark Haskins

Check out the entertaining announcement below:

RELATED: Updated Cards For Several ROH Honor United Events: RUSH And Jeff Cobb Team Up