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ROH Wrestling Results (10/5/19): Carístico, Volador Jr. And More

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired October 5, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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A video package featuring Bandido, RUSH and other hispanic wrestlers opens the show. Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay welcome viewers and preview the card.

RUSH vs. Bárbaro Cavernario (from Global Wars Espectacular) 

RUSH and Cavernario exchange strikes and the match is a stalemate early on. RUSH drops Cavernario with a dropkick. Cavernario fires back with some strikes and clotheslines. A hurricanrana drops RUSH and Cavernario dives onto him outside the ring. Cavernario nails RUSH with a headbutt but RUSH blasts him with a punch. RUSH hits the Flight of the Conqueror and tosses Cavernario into the barricade. Cavernario does the worm after a big boot but RUSH hits the Bull’s Horns for the win.

Winner: RUSH

Riccaboni and McKay preview Ring of Honor Glory by Honor.

Backstage, Dalton Castle says he knows what it’s like to be a champion and he’s going to learn from his mistakes. Marty Scurll says he’s done everything but win the Ring of Honor World Championship and wonder whether he’s the man. Castle says winning the championship is his goal because he’s the best. Scurll says this might be his last chance to win the title.

Riccabonni discusses Global Wars Espectacular.

Parts of the match between Jay Lethal, Jeff Cobb and Jonathan Gresham and Caristico, Triton and Stuka Jr. from Global Wars Espectacular are shown. Cobb hits an impressive moonsault. Team CMLL dives onto everyone. Caristico drops Cobb with a DDT but Lethal hits him with a Lethal Combination. Triton powerbombs Gresham onto Lethal to break up a Figure 4. Triton slams Cobb but Gresham nails Triton with a combination cutter for the win.

ROH Wrestling results continue on the next page!