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Triple H Motivates The Troops ‘Tommy Dreamer Style’ After NXT Goes Off The Air (Video)

Triple H came out to address the NXT fans in Full Sail after the (television) tapes stopped rolling and had a few words to rally the crowd. “The Game” stated that he wanted everyone in attendance to be a part of the action with him and the talent every Wednesday night and ECW original Justin Credible couldn’t help but notice the similarities between Hunter’s rally and Tommy Dreamer‘s words back in 1995 Extreme Championship Wrestling.

“I am counting on you. There are certain people in life that you want in a foxhole with you, every single one of you I want in the foxhole with us. Be here every week and let’s show the world that we are NXT. Stand on your feet, show the world who you are, show the world every Wednesday the brand that you created.”

The plan as of now is to have NXT air every week at Full Sail University which will be a unique contrast in comparison to its Wednesday night competitor in All Elite Wrestling who will be taking their live TNT show on the road and having their two-hours presented to a larger live crowd.

RELATED: Triple H NXT On USA Post Show Media Call (Full Audio)