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Dolph Ziggler’s SummerSlam Opponent Reportedly Revealed After WWE Calls Dave Meltzer

Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Dolph Ziggler‘s opponent at WWE SummerSlam will be none other than Bill Goldberg, and the way it became revealed to Meltzer is another story in itself.

Meltzer stated on the latest episode of “Wrestling Observer Radio” that somewhere it got falsely reported earlier that Meltzer said that Goldberg would be Ziggler’s opponent at SummerSlam. Meltzer thinks it’s because Bryan Alvarez said before that it was probably Goldberg because Ziggler kept mentioning him in his promos, which led to the false report of Meltzer’s reporting. Meltzer then received a call from someone at WWE asking Meltzer how he knew it was Goldberg, when in fact, Meltzer didn’t know. You can read the exchange below:

MELTZER: “As we’ve been talking about, Dolph Ziggler has an opponent at the show and I didn’t know who it was. I was just told that’s it not The Miz and it’s not Shawn Michaels. So that’s what I was told. So then somehow, now did you ever mention Bill Goldberg’s name as an opponent for Dolph Ziggler?”

ALVAREZ: “I mean I may have speculated about it because he’s mentioned Goldberg’s name in every single promo he’s done. And the fact that Goldberg, here’s what I did say because I believe this with every ounce of my being: Goldberg, guaranteed, wants to avenge that match with The Undertaker.”

MELTZER: “Everyone wants him to, well I shouldn’t say that. Everyone who supports him wants him to.”

ALVAREZ: “Sure.”

MELTZER: “Yeah, yeah true. So probably because of what you said, some people must’ve written somewhere that I said that Bill Goldberg was going to be wrestling Dolph Ziggler. This is like several days ago (it was only a couple days ago) and I said, ‘I never reported that.’ Somebody was trying, who’s not even worth talking about, but started like a thing of like, ‘I talked to WWE and they hate Bill Goldberg and that’s not gonna happen.’ Which I knew they didn’t hate Bill Goldberg…

“So I said, ‘I never said that. I don’t know where this is coming from.’ So thank you to these idiots because I got a call from someone in WWE who was talking to me about ‘How did you know that it was Bill Goldberg?’ And I said, ‘I didn’t know it was Bill Goldberg.’ They didn’t realize that I said I didn’t know because all these people had said that I said it when I never said it in the first place. So in fact, it is Bill Goldberg and that’s how I found out. Isn’t that wonderful?'”

(Transcription credit should go to @DominicDeAngelo of WrestleZone)

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