WWE RAW Karl Anderson Luke Gallows
Photo by Etsuo Hara/Getty Images

Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows Win WWE RAW Tag Team Championship

The Revival faced a sizable challenge on RAW; they defended the RAW Tag Team Championship against the Usos and the OC (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.) After a competitive match, Gallows and Anderson pinned Jimmy Uso with a Magic Killer.

Scott Dawson and Jimmy Uso began the match. Dawson planted Uso with a back suplex and tagged n Dash Wilder. Jimmy persevered and tagged in Jey. The Revival continued to showcase their old-school tag wrestling but the Usos displayed similar chemistry. Gallows and Anderson were kept out of the match for the first several minutes. Jey got a near fall after he hit a crossbody on Wilder. The OC finally entered the match and dominated Jey Uso for a few minutes. Jimmy Uso finally tagged in and cleared house. He dropped Wilder with a kick to the head and hit a crossbody on Wilder. Dawson secretly tagged in and the Revival hit an electric chair-bulldog combination for a near fall. Jimmy superplexed Dawson onto the other competitors outside the ring. The Revival hit Shatter Machine on Jimmy Uso but the OC planted Jimmy Uso with Magic Killer for the win.

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