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ROH Wrestling Results (7/13/19): Six-Man Tag Main Event

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired June 22, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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A video package recaps the results of ROH Best in the World. Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana welcome viewers to the show and preview the card. Kenny King joins the commentators before the first match.

Rhett Titus vs. ROH World Television Champion Shane Taylor

Taylor spits in Titus’ hand when he tries to shake the champion’s hand. Titus powers out of some holds from Taylor but the champion drops him with a shoulder tackle. A dropkick blasts Taylor in the mouth but he floors Titus with a clothesline. Taylor floors Titus with a stiff strike to the face. A legdrop on the apron flattens Titus. Another stiff forearm rocks Titus but he fights back with a punch, a splash and three boots in the corner. Titus slams Taylor for a near fall.

Taylor rocks Titus with a hard knee to the face. Titus hits a series of forearms but Taylor drops him with a headbutt for the win.

Winner: Shane Taylor

After the match, King applauds Taylor and grabs a microphone. King says he’s disgusted by Titus before he talked about their history as a team. King says Titus doesn’t have any fight in him and insults his manliness. Titus walks away after King continues to insult him.

Backstage, ROH Women of Honor World Champion Kelly Klein says Maria Manik got her attention and she can’t wait to face her and all comers.

A video package recaps the new conflict between ROH World Champion Matt Taven and Jay Lethal and Alex Shelley’s return.

Four Corner Survival #1 Contender Match: Angelina Love (with Velvet Sky and Mandy Leon) vs. Tasha Steelz vs. Stella Grey vs. Jenny Rose

Kelly Klein joins the announcers before the match. Before the match, Sky insults Love’s three opponents and calls Love the true number one contender. Rose attacks Love and Steelz brawls with Grey. Love gains control of the match and isolates Steelz before Rose drops Love with a spear. Steelz drops Love with a hip toss but Love hits her with a sidewalk slam for a near fall. Love and Steelz exchange forearms before Leon trips Steelz. The referee bans the Allure from ringside.

All four women are briefly back in the ring. Rose dropkicks Grey to the outside and Steelz dives onto both women. Love dives onto all three of her opponents. Love challenges Klein to come to the ring before Grey and Rose powerbomb Love off the top rope. Grey locks Steelz in a sleeper and Love locks Rose into a Koji Clutch. Rose dishes out some suplexes but Love plants her with a Botox Injection. Steelz huts Grey with a cutter for the win.

Winner: Tasha Steelz

Love confronts Steelz after the match before Maria Manik comes to the ring and security stops a fight between Steelz and Manik. Manik attacks the officials,  locks one in a Torture Rack and chokeslams another.

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