Kofi Kingston
Photo Credit: AMER HILABI/AFP/Getty Images

Kofi Kingston Retains WWE Championship Against Samoa Joe At Extreme Rules

Samoa Joe attacked WWE Champion Kofi Kingston a few weeks ago and, as a result, he received a WWE Championship match at Extreme Rules. Kingston won the match and retained the title when he pinned Joe after hitting Trouble in Paradise.


Kingston took the fight to Joe but the big man floored him with some stiff strikes. Joe grounded the champion. A hard kick to the head got Joe a near fall. The challenger evaded a diving attack from Kingston and dropped him with a hard punch. Joe rocked Kingston with a few stiff kicks and slammed him into the ring steps. He also sandwiched Kingston’s hand between the steps.

Kingston fought back and hit a jumping clothesline and a diving crossbody. Joe hit a powerslam for a near fall and planted the champion with a powerbomb. Joe locked in an STF but Kingston reached the ropes. Kingston escaped the Coquina Clutch but Joe slammed him to the mat. Kingston caught Joe wiht Trouble in Paradise for the win.

RELATED: WWE Extreme Rules Results (7/14/19)