NXT TakeOver XXV Live Results

WWE NXT TakeOver XXV Live Results (6/1/19)

NXT North American Championship Match: Velveteen Dream (c) vs. Tyler Breeze

Breeze almost hits the unprettier. Dream lands an axhandle off the top followed by a cabrada. Breeze kicks out. Breeze slams Dream’s knee into the ring post. Diving axhandle by Breeze. Breeze tries another drive but Dream catches Breeze with a right hand. Breeze rolls Dream into a single leg crab. Dream gets to the ropes to break the hold. Breeze dropkicks Dream. Dream falls to the outside. Breeze walks right into a superkick by Dream. Breeze is almost counted out. Dream slams Breeze’s head into the announce table over and over again. Dream grabs the title and Breeze’s phone. Dream takes a selfie with Breeze. Breeze supermodel kicks Dream. Breeze sends Dream into the ring. Breeze gets in the ring but Dream grabs him and hits the Dream Valley Driver. Dream goes up top. Breeze rolls to the other side of the ring. Dream tries to retrieve Breeze. Breeze enziguris Dream. Breeze stuffs the DreamDT.

Supermodel kick by Breeze! Dream kicks out! Dream fights out of the unprettier. Dream springboards into a dropkick by Breeze. Dream counters the unprettier into the DreamDT. Breeze kicks out again. Dream goes up top yet again. Breeze cuts Dream off. Dream launches Dream across the ring. Breeze responds with a nasty jumping knee. Breeze picks Dream up in a tombstone. Dream and Breeze keep countering each other. Dream rolls Breeze into the unprettier! Breeze manages to kick out. Dream tries the Purple Rainmaker but Breeze gets his knees up. Breeze unprettiers Dream, but Dream somehow kicks out. Breeze hits the Beauty Shot! Dream rolls out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Breeze argues with the referee to stop counting Dream out. Dream tries to hit Breeze with the title. Breeze snatches it away. The referee rips it out of Breeze’s hands. Dream sneaks up behind Breeze and plants him with the Dream Valley Driver. Dream crushes Breeze with the Purple Rainmaker for the win!

Winner and STILL North American Champion, Velveteen Dream!

After the match, Dream grabs Breeze’s phone. Dream taunts Breeze. Dream tries to leave by Breeze stops him. Breeze asks Dream for a selfie. Dream obliges.

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