Impact Wrestling Results

Impact Wrestling Results (5/3/19)

Impact Wrestling Results

May 3, 2019

Report By Lovell Porter for

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In Ring Segment: Michael Elgin

Elgin says he is the reason the new Impact Champion Brian Cage not being here tonight. Elgin left Japan to come to Impact Wrestling to win the Impact Championship. The only person that deserves a shot at the title is Elgin. Johnny Impact interrupts and calls Elgin a meat head like Cage. Impact says he wants his rematch. Konnan walks out and gets in the ring. Konna tells Elgin and Impact that he now represents Pentagon Jr. Pentagon should be next in line. Pentagon never got his rematch either. Elgin puts his hands on Konnan. Pentagon runs down to the ring. Security breaks it up.

Ace Austin vs. Petey Williams

Williams gets a hot start and sends Austin out of the ring. Dive by Williams. Williams tries a springboard but Austin lands a head kick to break it up. Cartwheel superkick by Austin on the apron. Williams traps Austin in the corner and steps on Austin’s nuts. Austin hits a suplex. Austin slices Williams’s hand with a playing card. Williams fires up and almost hits the Canadian Destroyer. Austin counters with a neck breaker. Double leg by Williams. Williams locks in the sharpshooter. Austin gets to the ropes. Austin lands a second rope leg drop for a near fall. Austin hits the Fold for the win.

Winner- Ace Austin

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