major league wrestling mlw

MLW Fusion Results (3/30/19)

MLW Fusion Results 

March 30, 2019

Report by Colin Tessier for

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The show begins with Salina de la Renta and LA Park. Salina vaguely tells El Hijo de L.A. Park to give [an unidentified] “him” whatever he wants

The announcers hype up Battle Riot II, a live two-hour special on April 5, and run down the card.

Ariel Dominguez vs. Daga

Low Ki joins the announce team for this match; he claims he has a vested interest in this one. Jim Cornette reminds Low Ki and the audience of the time the former MLW champion nearly ripped Daga’s ear off.  The two competitors start slow; Daga grounds Dominguez for a few minutes. Daga rocks his opponent with a stiff punch. Dominguez can’t get any momentum going but he manages to plant Daga with a springboard tornado DDT. Finally, Daga pins Dominguez with a modified brainbuster.

Winner: Daga

Low KI argues with Daga after the match.

In a taped segment, Myron Reed accepts Teddy Hart’s open challenge for the MLW World Middleweight Championship. Reed is convinced that he can win the match with an unbiased official.

The Hart Foundation talk about  the sacrifices required in “real wrestling,” and imply that’s something the Dynasty doesn’t understand.

Ricky Martinez (with Salina de la Renta)  vs. Air Wolf

Air Wolf, making his MLW debut, dodges a cheap attack by Martinez. The 19-year-old sends his opponent to the outside with a springboard dropkick. Wolf dives over the top rope and lands a crossbody on Martinez. The Sicario uses the barricade as a weapon on his opponent. Martinez hits some stiff strikes and follows them with a neckbreaker for a two count. Wolf hits a 619-like kick and gets a near fall of his own with a nasty DDT. Martinez knocks Wolf out with a pop-up knee for the win.

Winner: Ricky Martinez