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Al Perez Explains His Heat With Sting, Says He Mocked Handicapped Kids

“Latin Heartthrob” Al Perez had a storied wrestling career that took him through Jim Crockett Promotions, WWF and WCW. He recently reminisced about his career in an interview with The Hannibal TV. Perez revealed one name he didn’t like – the legendary WCW and TNA star Sting.

“I didn’t care for Sting,” said Perez. “We were in the dressing room one time and this is pretty bad. They had these fan fests in there. Sting was one of the guys there that really stood out, and another one died so I’m not going to say his name, but these kids came in using a wheelchair. They were handicapped asking for autographs and were in bad shape. Sting goes, ‘Hey, how are you doing?’ and he signs the autographs. As soon as they left, him and a couple other people started making fun of them. I didn’t like that at all. That was the lowest anyone can get.”

Check out the full clip below:

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