WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (3/6/19)

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Round One: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch vs The Forgotten Sons

Black and Cutler work over Lorcan. Cutler and Black hit a double backbreaker on Lorcan for a near fall. Skyscraper knee strike by Blake. Lorcan ducks a clothesline and tags in Burch. Burch lands a few strikes, then German suplexes Stryker and Blake. Burch tags in Lorcan to set up their finisher but Lorcan’s back gives out. Blake sends Burch out of the ring. Cutler destroys Lorcan with a clothesline.

Cutler hits a double under hook backbreaker followed by a Boston crab. Burch breaks it up with a headbutt. Cutler and Blake hit their finish on Burch.  Burch kicks out and tags in Lorcan. Lorcan fires up and lands the running blockbuster on Cutler and Blake at the same time. Cutler kicks out. Lorcan dives off the top but Cutler catches him in midair. Cutler tosses Lorcan into a double knee strike by Blake. Cutler and Blake hit a reverse DDT/double foot stomp combo for the win.

Winners- The Forgotten Sons

The Velveteen Dream walks out and stands on the announce desk. Dream says this is just a reminder that he is the new NXT North American Champion. Matt Riddle saunters out on the stage. Riddle says he just came out here to say hi. Dream smiles and waves at Riddle. Riddle says congratulations. Riddle says he just wanted to get a good look at the North American title. Riddle wants to know what it would look like on his waist. Dream tells Riddle that the spotlight is solely on him (Dream snaps his fingers and an actual spotlight shines on him)  and the Dream is over.

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