arn anderson
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More Details On WWE Releasing Arn Anderson

Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer expanded on the Arn Anderson situation this weekend and discussed more of what happened. Dave explained that Vince McMahon and Arn Anderson had not been getting along for quite some time and something went wrong at a live event that was blamed on Anderson. There is a split backstage of what really happened as some say it was Arn’s fault and some believe it was not his fault.

Dave did not specifically say what happened, but it is said that personnel such as Triple H and John Cena were big fans of Anderson. Meltzer speculates that if Cena were still one of the top guys in WWE, Anderson would not have been fired. Meltzer is also saying that Anderson is not very ‘shaken up’ about the release.

Dave also said that WWE agents are instructed to sell the talent on their storylines even if the talent doesn’t like the storyline. Arn was known for not doing that do that and instead would agree with them and tell them they still had to do it. It’s also being said that AEW has been outspokenly positive about Arn and his work.

READ MORE: Arn Anderson Has Reportedly Been Let Go By WWE