WWE Royal Rumble preview

WWE Royal Rumble Results 1.27.19

Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match: The Bar (c) vs The Co-Besties
As soon as the bell rings Shane spears Sheamus. Sheamus rolls out of the ring and asked Shane if he is crazy. Miz and Cesaro start the match. Miz almost manages to hit the Skull Crushing Finale but Cesaro avoids it. Cesaro and Sheamus beat down Miz in the corner. Shane hits the ring and saves Miz. The referee restores order. Sheamus knocks Shane off the apron. Miz lands the It kicks in the corner on Sheamus. While the referee is distracted, Cesaro attacks Miz. Sheamus tosses Miz to the outside. The Bar tries to flapjack Miz through a table. Shane breaks it up. Shane drapes Cesaro on the commentary desk. Miz holds Cesaro in place as Shane goes up top. Sheamus pulls Cesaro away. Shane dives off the top and clotheslines Sheamus. Cesaro destroys Shane with a running European uppercut. Cesaro sends Shane into the barricade. The Bar takes turns working over Miz.
Miz manages to tag in Shane, who clears the ring. DDT by Shane. Shane tries to set Sheamus up for the Van Terminator. Cesaro tries to break it up but Shane lands an elbow that sends Cesaro into the corner with Sheamus. Shane tries the dive but Cesaro catches him in midair and traps him in the Cesaro swing. Shane puts Cesaro in a triangle. Sheamus breaks it up with a diving knee. Double team white noise by the Bar. Shane kicks out. The Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Shane goes up top and hits a shooting star press for the win!
Winners and NEW Smackdown Tag Team Champions, The Co-Besties!

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