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R-Truth Works WWE’s IT Desk; Lacey Evans Talks Main Roster Goals, Not Interested In Tag Titles

(Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images)

R-Truth Works WWE’s IT Desk

After winning WWE’s Mixed Match Challenge, teammates R-Truth and Carmella were granted an all expense paid trip to any location in the world. R-Truth chose Stamford, Connecticut, the exquisite location of WWE Headquarters.

The duo are now enjoying their all expense paid-trip by participating in some good old fashioned desk work. While a hungry Carmella debated ordering out for pizza, R-Truth manned WWE’s IT station and attempted to resolve some issues a customer was having with Photo Shop.

R-Truth excelled to such an extent, Carmella warned a nearby worker, ‘You better watch out, he may take your job.’

Readers may watch the video below:


RELATED: Check Out R-Truth & Carmella’s ‘All Expenses Paid Vacation’….To Stamford, Connecticut

‘Face Of The Company’ Lacey Evans Talks Main Roster Goals, Not Interested In Tag Titles

NXT Superstar Lacey Evans recently opened up about what it was like to get the call up to the main roster, “It was surreal. I mean, I was three days working my you know what off at the 2018 December try out for all those nasty recruits that came in thinking that they were gonna get my position. I had no voice, so when they told me and I cried, I sounded even worse than a dying rat. I was excited and I wanted to see my husband immediately because he’s by my side, unlike a lot of the people down here helping me out.”

Evans also detailed her main roster goals and they do not include tag team championship gold, “I’m not hoping to stand out. Obviously, I have stood out for two and a half years here at NXT and when it comes to tag team championship titles for the women, you find one woman that stands next to me and actually can help me defend or support anything I do in WWE. I am the face of this company, so the day that they, you, or anybody else can find a woman that is half the lady that I am, you call me honey because it ain’t gonna happen. They can take them tag titles and do something else with them because I am going after the championship title. Do you understand? I want one title around my waist and I don’t need some nasty beside me taking all the glory from my hard work.”

Readers may watch the exclusive interview in its entirety below: