WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (12/11): Asuka Stands Tall, Daniel Bryan Makes a Statement, Final Hype For WWE TLC, More

Daniel Bryan vs Mustafa Ali

The match started during the break. Bryan stomps Ali. Ali tries a leapfrog but Bryan kicks Ali in the chest. Spinning toe hold by Bryan. Bryan stomps Ali. Ali gets to his knees. Bryan unloads on Ali with kick after kick. Bryan misses his last kick. Ali superkick Bryan multiple times. Bryan kicks out. Ali misses a dive to the outside. Bryan tosses Ali into the ring post. Bryan tries a back superplex. Ali backflips out of it and lands on his feet. Bryan tries his rope run backflip but Ali leaps to the top rope and lands a diving tornado DDT. Bryan kicks out. Ali misses the 054. Bryan slams Ali’s leg off of the ring post. Bryan puts Ali in a heel hook. Ali taps out.

Winner- Daniel Bryan

After the match, Bryan attacks Ali on the stage. Bryan stomps Ali’s head. Bryan puts Ali in the heel hook again.

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