Oops, They Did It Again

hideo itamiWhen WWE signed Mistico in 2011, he was the biggest star in Mexico. WWE changed his name to Sin Cara and overhauled his style. WWE stripped away everything that made Mistico great. WWE broke his spirit, which compromised his charisma. Latino fans saw his dignity ripped away.

In the end, Mistico was just another WWE wrestler. That was not Mistico’s fault, Not even remotely.

WWE knows better. Except when it doesn’t.

WWE has to prove that. Except when it can’t.

If WWE ruins a marketable commodity, so what? It stopped being about money a long time ago. It’s about indulging a superiority complex. Flexing muscle.

Besides, WWE can always cut budget.

Now, WWE is doing it again. KENTA – excuse me, Hideo Itami – should get on the next plane headed to Japan, never to return.

Performers like Mistico and KENTA are ready-made for American stardom. Good is good. It’s fake wrestling. Not all that different anywhere. WWE likes to think it owns the formula. WWE doesn’t. KENTA shouldn’t be in NXT at all, or he should be there for a very short time, and he should 100 per cent maintain his style.

KENTA has done little with NXT, but his work looks unsure and halting. This is one of the best in-ring performers in the world. KENTA doesn’t need a makeover. The marks – excuse me, “WWE Universe” (gag) – would take to him as is.

But WWE has to prove it knows better. Except when it doesn’t.

Don’t say that KENTA’s style wouldn’t mesh with current WWE performers. More diverse styles have smoothly interlocked throughout fake wrestling’s history. It’s part of the art form, much more so than WWE’s bland in-ring preference.

What KENTA really needs is a catchphrase.

WWE is all over the place right now. WWE has an absentee world champ. That’s by WWE’s choice, not Brock Lesnar’s. Lesnar would gladly work more dates, but only at his usual rate. WWE wants to slash costs for the sake of the stock market, but a lesser product certainly won’t help in that regard.

Hell In A Cell’s main events aren’t main events. Cena-Orton is played out. This match offers nothing new. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose aren’t really main eventers, not yet. WWE is not doing right by Ambrose. He should be Terry Funk or Brian Pillman. Instead, he’s doing wacko comedy that just isn’t funny.

That should be a WWE catchphrase: JUST NOT FUNNY. Hey, give it to KENTA!

WWE doesn’t want to admit Lesnar is their top guy. That’s one reason why WWE is sticking to its guns regarding no extra dates.

But Lesnar is WWE’s top guy. Save Cena, no one is even close. Paul Heyman is their top promo. No one is remotely close in that regard.

Cash flow problems duly noted, keeping your top guy off TV and PPV when he’s available makes no sense. Lesnar’s absence confirms that WWE doesn’t see PPVs as special anymore, not besides WrestleMania and not since the WWE Network started. They’re just TV shows. Sunday Night Raw. This subpar HIAC card confirms that, too.

Follow Mark on Twitter: @MarkMaddenX