Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “WWE Missed John Cena and Brock Lesnar”

The Undercard

wwe raw reactionChristian defeated Jack Swagger in singles competition. I really did not love this match because it seemed very rushed and forced. Christian, who should get a clean and easy win, had to rely on a roll-up for the victory. He avoided the Swagger Bomb and got the victory. On the outside was Antonio Cesaro, who looked very upset at his partner. Is this setting up for a feud between Cesaro and Christian, or is it solely used for their involvement at Elimination Chamber? I would rather see the two guys face off against higher profile competition, rather than one another. Cesaro/Sheamus and Christian/Orton/Bryan would be much better right now. It would give a bit of believability to Cesaro and Christian winning the match. We all know they have NO CHANCE.

Score: 5/10

The New Age Outlaws defeated The Brotherhood to retain the WWE Tag Team Championships. Once again, the tag team division looks perfectly fine after a pretty solid cage match between the two best teams. I was surprised to see the end of the match end like this. I fully expected a dirty win from the heels, something to give Rhodes and Goldust one more chance at the titles at Elimination Chamber. Cody hits the biggest spot of the night, flying with a moonsault off the top of the cage. Road Dogg did all he could so Cody wouldn't kill himself. He could not catch him cleanly, but I felt like it looked better than people are saying. It was a good ending, but really seems to close the story on these two teams fighting. What will be the reasoning on the split of Cody and Goldust? When will it happen? Also, New Age Outlaws need to face Jimmy and Jey Uso. The one thing the faces lack is good mic work. What do the Outlaws do to thrive? EXACTLY.

Score: 7/10

Titus O'Neil defeated Zack Ryder. The beginning of O'Neil is scripted like many guys that have nothing to do right now. At least this is much better than him losing in a second tier tag team for months. Titus is going to be good, but it may take longer than most people want to wait. He is very talented and has a look that WWE loves. Titus lets Ryder get a few moves in, but hits Clash of the Titus for the win. It was your typical 2000 squash match.

Score: 4/10

Sheamus defeated Curtis Axel with the Brogue Kick. Ladies and gentlemen, Curtis "I job to main eventers" Axel. That is what he is going to be doing for the foreseeable future. He should always have a place in WWE because of what happened in 2013 for him. People will remember him succeeding with Paul Heyman, so he gets a little bit of respect. Sheamus looks excellent in the ring and seems a little faster running the ropes. I always love his Brogue Kick because he is so leg heavy and it makes logical sense.

Score: 6/10

-Emma wins a dance-off against Summer Rae. I feel like Emma is similar to how Kaitlyn was brought into the WWE, in the sense that she is a nerdy and super hot Diva that is going to get better and better. I have seen her NXT stuff and the girl is good. I cannot wait to see what else Emma has in store, as well as how Summer Rae will evolve in 2014. I wouldn't be shocked if Fandango is HER manager and not the other way around.

Score: 5/10 on the potential, not the dance-off.

Naomi defeated Aksana in a sloppy Divas match. Aksana seemed to carry the match throughout, with Naomi trying to do too much too soon. She needs to relax and let her natural athleticism take over.

Score: 4/10